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Historical Background: the Restoration







Charles II'S
CHARLES II (son of the executed king)
took the throne (1660)
the first thing the king


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Charles II'S
CHARLES II (son of the executed king)
took the throne (1660)
the first thing the king


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monarchy Charles II'S monarchy THE RESTORATION CHARLES II (son of the executed king) took the throne (1660) (1660 ↓ the first thing the king did was. to take revenge on the man that executed his dad: he exhumed Cromwell's body, ac cused him of regicide and cut off his head (first posthumous execution) ↓ restoration of Parliament as well as of monarchy and Church of England (important to prevent the king being able to set autocratic from up an vernment) ↓ ever in 1673 TEST ACT: any man in pu- blic office had to take communion in the Protestant Church and recog- wse the king as the Head of the Church of England ↓ liberalising social changes: reopening of theatres + interest in music, art, science two bad years: in 1665 there was the GREAT PLAGUE and killed a lot of people; in 1666 there was the GREAT FIRE of LONDON, which burnt for four days destroying two thirds of London ↓ in 1685 Charles I died and his bro ther, Duke of York, became king as JAMES I James married a Catholic woman and had two heirs: a son and a Stuart daughter, Mary Mary married the Dutch Protestant Prince, William of Orange, and conver Ited to Protestantism TWO POLITICAL PARTIES the WHiGS, radical anti-Ca- tholics; the TORIES, favourable to the Stuarts (prevailed and elected James I). ī monarchy William + mary's monarchy Sano William (with the Whigs) raised an ar my in Holland and landed in England ↓ James didn't try to fight, but flew abroad in 1689 WILLIAM and MARY...

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were of England, crowned and queen after the Glorious Bloodless Revolution king in 1689 they signed the BiLLS of RIGHTS which limited the of the king power in favour of Parliament and established a Constitutional Monarchy in 1689 TOLERATION ACT, that gave Dis senters freedom of worship (religion) ↓ in 1701 ACT of SETTLEMENT, which e stablished that only Protestants could be heirs to the throne ↓ James II tried to regain the throne, but he failed ↓ in 1702 King and queen died with no hers, so the queen's sister, ANNE, ca- me to the throne in 1707 ACT of UNION, which reinfor- ced England's control over the rebellious neighbor and prevented Scotland from choosing to go back to Catholicism ↓ England +Scotland UNITED KINGDOM of GREAT BRITAIN Anne is the last Protestant Stuart, be- cause the crown would pass to the Protestant rulers of the German Princi- pality of Hanover WAR of SPANISH SUCCESSION the war was to prevent Louis XIV from gaining con trol of the vast Spanish Em pire. England+ Holland + Prus Sia vs. France+Spain + Por- tugal. results: British naval su- premacy+ colonial empire.