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William Wordsworth







Romantic poetry
At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century
Thanks to the eye of the imagination Romantic poets cou


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Romantic poetry At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century Thanks to the eye of the imagination Romantic poets could see beyond surface reality and discover a truth beyond the powers of reason. Imagination allowed the poet to re-create and modify the external world of experience. Childhood was considered a temporary state, a necessary stage in the process leading to adulthood. A child was purer than an adult because he was unspoilt by civilisation >He was even closer to God Influence of Rousseau - the conventions of civilisation represented intolerable restrictions on the individual personality corruption and evil The poet had to mediate between man and nature, to point out the evils of society, to give voice to the ideals of freedom, beauty and truth Nature is considered as a living force and, in a pantheistic vein, as the expression of God in the universe. It's a source of inspiration, a source of comfort and joy William Wordsworth He was born in Cumberland in the English Lake District, a beautiful region near the Scottish border, in 1770. His contact with revolutionary France had filled him with enthusiasm for the democratic ideals (₂ The destructive developments of the Revolution and the declaration of war between England and France in 1793 brought him...

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to the edge of a nervous breakdown He moved to Dorset with his sister Dorothy, who constantly supported his poetry, she copied down his poems and recorded their life in her Journals. He met Samuel Taylor Coleridge and their friendship proved crucial to the development of English Romantic poetry: they produced a collection of poems called Lyrical Ballads which appeared anonymously in 1798 The start of romanticism The second edition in 1800 also contained Wordsworth's famous 'Preface' which was to become the Manifesto of English Romanticism. Wordsworth would deal with man, nature and everyday things trying to make them interesting for the reader, while Coleridge should write about the supernatural and mystery making them seem real. For Wordsworth poetry was a solitary act, originating not in the extraordinary but in the ordinary He tries to object that poetry was artificial, with elevated language (poetic diction) In humble rural life man is nearer to his own purer passions. In his 'Preface' he explained that the subject matter should deal with everyday situations or incidents and with ordinary people and the language should be simple The last years of his life were marked by the growing conservatism of his political views. He died in 1850. He has a pantheistic view Wordsworth shared Rousseau's faith in the goodness of nature (civilisation corrupt humans) as well as in the excellence of the child He was interested in the relationship between the natural world and the human consciousness His poetry offers a detailed account of the complex interaction between man and nature > How the poet feels, not how the nature is -> Nature is a source of pleasure and joy, it comfort man in sorrow (moral pain) and teaches him how to love and to act in a moral way is a world of sense perceptions and he used especially the sensibility of the eye and ear He believes our moral character develops during childhood as a result of the pleasure and pain caused by our physical experiences He's interested in the growth of his relationship with nature Memory is a major force in the process of growth of the poet's mind and moral character His task consists in drawing (attirare) attention to the ordinary things of life where the deepest emotions and truths can be found