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All about William Wordsworth: Biography and Poetry Style







<p>William Wordsworth, one of the famous English poets, was born in 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in the English Lake District. His fath


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<p>William Wordsworth, one of the famous English poets, was born in 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in the English Lake District. His fath


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William Wordsworth, one of the famous English poets, was born in 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in the English Lake District. His father, a lawyer, was instrumental in fostering his love for poetry. In 1791, Wordsworth obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree at St John's College, Cambridge.

Early Life and Poetic Influences

After his studies, Wordsworth traveled to France and the Alps, where he became enthralled with the democratic ideals of the French Revolution. He also fell in love with Annette Vallon and had a daughter, Caroline. However, the Revolution's turn and the war between England and France led him to return to England and settle in Dorset with his sister Dorothy, his closest confidante. The siblings' close bond and Dorothy's unwavering support played a significant role in Wordsworth's poetic development.

Collaboration with Coleridge and Marriage

It was during this time that Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a friendship that would significantly impact English Romantic poetry. The two collaborated on a collection of poems called Lyrical Ballads, which included Wordsworth's famous 'Preface' - considered the Manifesto of English Romanticism. In 1802, he married Mary Hutchinson, his childhood friend, with whom he had five children. Wordsworth's reputation as a poet grew steadily, and in 1843, he was appointed Poet Laureate.

The Manifesto of English Romanticism

Wordsworth's work marked a clear departure from the elevated language of 18th-century poetry. He emphasized ordinary, everyday experiences and people, rejecting artificial and elevated language in favor of simplicity and common language. He believed that rural life, in its simplicity, allowed for a purer expression of emotions and thoughts, making them relatable to all.

Man and Nature

Wordsworth's deep connection to nature mirrored Rousseau's and was rooted in the belief in the goodness of nature. He considered man and nature as inseparable, with nature as a source of joy, comfort, and moral teachings. His poetry focused on the interplay between man and nature, with the poet's response to natural objects taking center stage.

Importance of Senses and Memory

Wordsworth was fascinated by the role of senses and memory in shaping human experiences. He believed that our moral character developed through physical experiences and the pleasure and pain they brought. His poetry explores the growth and evolution of his relationship with nature, highlighting its influence on different stages of his life.

In conclusion, William Wordsworth's work and philosophy laid the foundation for English Romantic poetry. His deep connection to nature, emphasis on simplicity, and the everyday have solidified his place as one of the most influential poets in English literary history.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • William Wordsworth: Short Biography
  • Early Life and Poetic Influences
  • Collaboration with Coleridge and Marriage
  • The Manifesto of English Romanticism
  • Man and Nature, Importance of Senses and Memory
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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What were the democratic ideals that influenced Wordsworth's work?

A: Wordsworth was influenced by the democratic ideals of the French Revolution, which emphasized equality and the rights of the common people.

Q: Who were Wordsworth's close confidantes and how did they influence his poetry?

A: Wordsworth's sister Dorothy was his closest confidante and played a significant role in his poetic development with her unwavering support and close bond.

Q: What did Wordsworth emphasize in his poetry, and how did it differ from 18th-century poetry?

A: Wordsworth emphasized ordinary, everyday experiences and people, rejecting artificial and elevated language in favor of simplicity and common language, departing from the elevated language of 18th-century poetry.

Q: What was the significance of nature in Wordsworth's poetry?

A: Wordsworth believed in the deep connection between man and nature, considering nature as a source of joy, comfort, and moral teachings, and focused on the interplay between man and nature.

Q: What fascinated Wordsworth in shaping human experiences, and how did it influence his poetry?

A: Wordsworth was fascinated by the role of senses and memory in shaping human experiences. He believed that our moral character developed through physical experiences and the pleasure and pain they brought, and his poetry explores the growth and evolution of his relationship with nature.

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