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William Blake







William Blake was born in London in 1757. His origins were humble.
He was a painter and engraver, he broke with th


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William Blake was born in London in 1757. His origins were humble.
He was a painter and engraver, he broke with th


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WILLIAM BLake (1757-1827) William Blake was born in London in 1757. His origins were humble. He was a painter and engraver, he broke with the conventions of prospective and proportions, and he created a new kind of art which emphasized the power of imagination. He was a political freethinker, he supported the French Revolution and remained a radical throughout his life. He witnessed the evil effects of industrial development on men's soul and came to believe that the artist should have a new role, as the guardian of the spirit and imagination. Blake had a strong sense of religion. His poetry, which is regarded as early Romantic because he rejected neoclassical literary style and themes. He emphasized the importance of imagination over reason. He created the method of 'illuminated printing' which combined picture and poetic text. The poetic collection The Songs of Innocence and The Songs of Experience are the most accessible of his works. Blake also published prophetic books in which he created a complex personal mythology. The first was The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, a prose work, in which Hell and Satan represent liberty and energy (instinct and imagination) while Heaven is the place of lawgiving (reason). Vision of the Daughters of Albion, is another prophetic book, which attacked the conventions of sexual morality, particularly those imposed on women (Blake was...

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on women's side, he was a sort of feminist). SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND SONGS OF EXPERIENCE Songs of Innocence was produced before the outbreak of the French Revolution. The narrator is a shepherd who receives inspiration from a child (imagination and inspiration) in a cloud to pipe his songs celebrating the divine in all creation. Its symbols are lambs, flowers and children playing on the village green. The poems deal with childhood as the symbol of innocence, a state of the soul connected with happiness, freedom and imagination. The language is simple and musical. Songs of Experience appeared during the period of Terror in France. Blake did not reject the songs of the innocent shepherd, but he created their counterpart in the form of the bard who questions the themes of the previous collection. SONGS Of NNOCENC and Of EXPERIENCE Showing the Iwe Contrary Stectes of the Huma The visual world is more complex. A more pessimistic view of life emerges in these 'songs'. 'Experience', identified with adulthood, coexists and completes 'Innocence', identified with childhood.