The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a gripping tale of duality, morality, and the human psyche set in Victorian London. This novella explores the struggle between good and evil within a single individual, using a split personality to delve into themes of repression, hypocrisy, and the consequences of unchecked desires.
- Plot: Dr Jekyll creates a potion that transforms him into the evil Mr Hyde, leading to a struggle for dominance between the two personalities.
- Setting: Late Victorian London, contrasting the respectable West End with the squalid East End.
- Themes: Duality of human nature, good vs evil, societal hypocrisy, and the psychological struggle within oneself.
- Narrative: Multiple perspectives, including those of Mr Utterson, Dr Lanyon, and Dr Jekyll himself.
- Genre: Combines elements of Gothic fiction, psychological thriller, and crime story.