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The restoration of the monarchy (Charles II, The Great Plague and the Great Fire, James II, the joint monarchs, Queen Anne).







The Restoration of the monarchy.
Charles II (Charles I's sou)
he was exiled
in France (admirer g Louis XIV)
▶1660 came back to England and e


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The Restoration of the monarchy.
Charles II (Charles I's sou)
he was exiled
in France (admirer g Louis XIV)
▶1660 came back to England and e


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The Restoration of the monarchy. Charles II (Charles I's sou) he was exiled in France (admirer g Louis XIV) ▶1660 came back to England and establisfied a court devoted to plastice: thedres, taverns re- opened ▶ Cwil war and Commonwealth interest in the real. ▶ 1662: he patromised the Royal Society (on the world of no one"). It was a direct challenge to the dependence of the old philosophy, members Robert Bayle (physicest and chemist), John Evelyn (disvest) Sir Chastopher When (architect). home poliey: laudowners resumed the leadership of society and the 1664. newly elected Parlament (Covaler Parliamen) was met im the Great Plague and the Great Five 1665 devasting bubonie plague 1666: the Great Fire of London raged for 5 days ▶ Charles II asked Sir Chastopher When to rebuild the old City and The presented a play for a new city with streets and squares buildings and churches in the meselassied style. (St. Paul's Cathedral). > Charles I: able to furance his projects with and of France (offered cash when his relationship with Parliament was difficult). 1670 Treaty of Dover (in preparation for a war agount Holland): it Cautained secret agreement for the restoration of the Catholicism in Britain. 1685 Charles I died and was succeded by his brother (converted to Catholicism) Dammer II from James. I to the joint memarelas. 1685 he came to the throme...

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Didascalia alternativa:

and placed cotholies in positions of autority. The was widower and he had two daughters (his heves): Mary, married to the ruler of Holland, and Ame married to the ruler of Denmark. They were Protestant he married the Cathole Mary of Modena and in 1688 they had a Catholie son, who took precedence over Mary as successore. the two parts of Parliament (Whigs and Tories) were alarmed cause eould break out. another way So they negotiated with wifelaw of Orange (Mary's husband). 1688 Wiehdu of Orange marched abross southerm Eugloud, while James.. fled to France. Jenuary Mary II Grequest of Parliament). Revolution: 1689 Willian and Mary became joint monarchs as William III and 'cause they were chosen by the Parliament and mot by divine night (Bloodless or glorious revolution). 1689 The Toleraule Act introduced more religious tolerance (Catholics executed) die Bill and Petition of Right) established that the King could levy taxes, secus e army or suspend lows only with parliamentary coment. Freunal Act Parlouent lasts for three years. 1684 the exiled ames II louded in I kloud and the to set control over the English Protestants. 1694 Mary died of smullper. Act settement (1701) Catholies excluted from the throue. ▸ Amme became queen and Wiehan died a year later. Queen Amme Teign Popular queen, English and Anglican. ► 170* : Act g Union : Kingdom of England and Scotland replaced by the United Kingdom of Great Britain with a single Puchioment in Westminster- ▸ Ireland separate Kingdom with its own Parliament, with a protestant government at Dublin Castle. 1 foreign policy: 1713 Tredy of Utrect (end of the war of Spaush sucession where England was uvolved against France). It required the French to recognise the Protestant Succession and expel the exiled Stwerts, and possessions in canada to England (Freuen possession) and the moupoly of the slave trade with Spaush America. British Empire was emerging. Queen Ame died in 17/14 and she was succeded by George I (James I's great-graudson)