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the restoration of the monarchy







Im 1660 Panliament imvited chanles 11 to return to his kingdom
from his ex im France and the Republic was ov


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Im 1660 Panliament imvited chanles 11 to return to his kingdom
from his ex im France and the Republic was ov


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THE RESTORATION OF THE TONARCHY Im 1660 Panliament imvited chanles 11 to return to his kingdom from his ex im France and the Republic was over. fost english mem were happy with the restoration of the momandhy because they had beem oppressed by the rules of Puritams. the Babomic plague were interpreted by puritams as god's punishmem the great fine im londom for the king's immortality. At this point there are two factions SCharles II took advemege of the situation and he dissoluted the parlament, The them had to go away from Londom, this is a good thing for the merchant class because they could make mew alliances. Charles Il's brother, JAMES I succeded him im 1005. He had previously comerted to Catholicism, he tried to be religiously moderate but them turmed for chatolic suppont. 4 He attemps to give civie equacity to Romam catholic and protesamt dissemters ⇒he represented a threat I'm 1688, James 11' wife, Mary of Modema, give birth to a som. I Fearing a catholic succession, a protestant mobles asked, williAr ORANGE, husband om James's protestam daughter to salle the situation by ascending the throme. The reigm of WILLIAM II and HARY I was a time of economic progress gor emplamd: Londom &mamcial capital *Bill os Right prevented the King from raising takes or keeping on armmy without the agreemmem of the parliament X-Tolercation act freedom...

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Didascalia alternativa:

of worship ☆ Foundation of the bank of England THE BIRTH OF POLITICAL PARTIES Queen Amme succeded her brother im low William II → act of (miom to create the Cmited Kimpdorm of Great Britaim act which cmited the kingdomm of Scotland and the kingdom of Great Britaim After Amme's death, her cousim the Duke of Homoer, becomme King GEORGE I Two politicae partes im Britaim WHINGS, descendants of partamentaziams, supported by wealthy and commencial dosses fough for development and ITORIES, descendant of rayoast, supportes by the church of England fough for the devime right of the king" GER WALPOVE The first minister was the WHIG sie бы he was im power for over 20 years, Is he kept emgland out of foreign complicts mo costume duties om export import of raw materices (taxes om tea, coffee and chocolate) At some point Walpole and his getermment were accused of corruptionm of the elections but the new King George. II helped him and a house im Westmistes. • him goen Im 1735 whing william pitt became prime mimister he started a mercantilist policy to make England a strong and economically competitive comtry. This led to a new set of values besed am POWER and PRESTIGES