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The Normans








The Normans
They invaded England in 1055 Bed by Williams of Normandy. He defeated
King Harold at Hastings and he was crowned king in Westmin


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The Normans They invaded England in 1055 Bed by Williams of Normandy. He defeated King Harold at Hastings and he was crowned king in Westminster Abbey on Christmas day. William sent his men all over out a survey of the land: The Domesday Book. The consequences of the Normom invasion! England to eary Some anglo-saxons reobleman dided in battle and others were dispossesed of their lands or exilied. -lithe members of the clergy were replaced by Italian or French churchmen -townspeople mountained wealth. - the lower elergy kept cultural and religious tradition alive. The Normans were organised in a feudal system. The barons. become the king's tenants and sublet the love to the Knights. in change services. At the bottom of the system there were the peasants who gave their labour in return for food and security. Under the peasants there were the serps. While the peasants. were free man, the serps had new freedom.

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