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The early stuart







James I
When Elizabeth I died (1603), ascended the Throne James I, the son of Mary Stuart and
Lord Darnley. With him started the Stuart peri


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James I
When Elizabeth I died (1603), ascended the Throne James I, the son of Mary Stuart and
Lord Darnley. With him started the Stuart peri


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James I When Elizabeth I died (1603), ascended the Throne James I, the son of Mary Stuart and Lord Darnley. With him started the Stuart period. He was a Protestant and believed in witchcraft. During his reign, he introduced a common flag, the Union Jack and common coinage. He ignored Parliament and based his rule on the theory of divine rights of kings: he believed he was the representative of God on Earth. On his arrival in England, he summoned Parliament only to ask for money. The members, however, refused to raise any taxes unless the money was needed for war. Catholics could not hold public positions and were fined if they refused to attend the Church of England. in 1604 James authorized a new translation of the bible which was used by the Church of England for more than three hundred years and greatly influenced the spread of literacy. A group of radical Catholicism, (including Guy Fawkes), conspired to blow up the king in the Houses of Parliament, in what is known as the "gunpowder plot". They were discovered on 5 November, 1605 and later executed. A group of Puritans, the Pilgrim Fathers, applied for a government patent to colonize part of New England. In 1620 they left England for America on the Mayflower...

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and founded New Plymouth Bonfire Night The bonfire night festivities begin two or three days before November 5th. Children make puppet-like figures of Guy Fawkes, they walking the streets, carrying the "Guy" and asking people for "a penny for the Guy". The kids then use the money to buy fireworks for the evening festivities. Charles I James' son, Charles I, married Henrietta Maria, the Catholic daughter of the King of France. Like his father he believed in the divine right of the king, but he needed to ask to Parliament for money, so when they refused to give him money he elected the so called Long Parliament, which also reflected the change in wealth that England had. The House of Commons was strongly Protestant. Charles's quarrels with Parliament led to the petition for rights in 1628, which stated that the king could not imprison anyone without a trial or impose taxes without the consent of the commons. Only when the Parliament tried to obtain power over the king, this last one killed five of his opponents and declared war, the Civil War had begun. Civil war (1642-1649) During the civil wars there were 2 parties: the royalists (supporters of the king, church of England and catholic nobility) and the parliamentarians (supporters of the parliament, mainly puritans). The royalists were called cavaliers and were mostly gentry, nobility and clergy. Parliamentarians were called roundhead because they cut their hair very short. Merchants and middle classes sided with them. The war lasted 7 years, until Cromwell's formation of a special body, the Ironsides (a cavalry regiment). Once the parliamentarians had won the war, they executed the king after anunjust trial in 1649 and exiled his son. After his death, the monarchy and the house of lords were abolished and the country was ruled as a republic, known as "commonwealth". The country was now governed by the house of commons. In 1653 the rump gave the power to Oliver Cromwell. The rump was dismissed the same year and Cromwell became lord protector of England and Ireland. In 1659 Cromwell died and, his son Richard took his place. But he was forced to resign. The Puritans Oliver Cromwell was a committed Puritan, and as head of state he instituted many Puritan reforms. Puritanism had begun under Henry VIII but came into prominence in the 17th century. It was a religious reform movement that wanted to 'purify' the Church of England, which they felt retained too much from Catholicism. Their moral conviction influenced their whole lifestyle, and they believe that religious unity was essential. They criticised the fact that: -the Church was an auditorium were the sermons were important in both political and religion. -anglicanism seems to be based more on the external manifestations of faith. -they argued that priests should be free to choose how they dress. They believed in the Calvinist theory of predestination, which states that everything that happens has been decided or planned in advance by God or destiny and that humans cannot change it. Poverty was almost considered a sin and free time was considered a waste of time that could corrupt the minds of men.nml