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Romantic Poetry







English romanticism saw the prevalence of poetry because it
was esier to express emotional experiences, and their


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ROMANTIC POETRY English romanticism saw the prevalence of poetry because it was esier to express emotional experiences, and their imagination allowed poets to re-create and modify the world of experiences. Poets were seen as visionary prophet whose task was to mediate between man and nature against the evils of society. To the augustian poets childhood was a temporary state but a necessary stage to adulthood, but to romantic poets childhood was a pure concept. It was a state to be admired and cultivated. Augustian also seen man as a social animal. Instead romantic poets saw him as solitary. The outcasts were exalted. Rousseau stated that conventions of civilisation were intollerable restriction and produced corruption and evil. Therefore impulsive behavior was good and behavior governed by rules was bad. This is the noble savage concept in which the savage may appear primitive but has an instructive knowledge of himself. Rousseau influenced the cult of the exotic, which is the veneration of what is far away.

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