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The Picture of Dorian Gray: Easy Summary and Analysis for Kids




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Ritratto di Dorian Gray e Oscar Wilde in inglese

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Easy Summary and Analysis for Kids

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a masterpiece that explores themes of beauty, morality, and corruption. The novel follows the story of a beautiful young man whose portrait ages while he remains eternally youthful, leading to a descent into hedonism and moral decay.

• The story interweaves Oscar Wilde's aesthetic philosophy and decadent themes
• Features key characters including Dorian Gray, Lord Henry, and Basil Hallward
• Explores the relationship between art, beauty, and morality
• Demonstrates the consequences of pursuing pleasure without moral constraints
• Incorporates elements of Estetismo e Decadentismo




Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


The Origins of The Picture of Dorian Gray

The inspiration for The Picture of Dorian Gray came from Wilde's visits to the studio of his painter friend, Basil Ward. Upon seeing Ward paint a particularly handsome subject, Wilde lamented the inevitability of aging. Ward's response—imagining a scenario where the subject remained eternally youthful while the painting aged—sparked the novel's central concept.

Initially published in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, the story reached a wide audience but quickly became embroiled in scandal due to perceived immorality. Paradoxically, this controversy contributed to the novel's success. Wilde later expanded the work, adding six chapters and a preface containing epigrams to address his critics.

Example: The novel's premise of a portrait aging instead of its subject explores themes of vanity, corruption, and the pursuit of eternal youth.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


The Aesthetic Movement and Victorian Society

The Aesthetic Movement emerged during Queen Victoria's reign (1837-1901), a period marked by significant social and industrial changes. This artistic and philosophical movement arose in response to Victorian materialism and moral rigidity.

Key principles of the Aesthetic Movement included:

  1. "Art for art's sake" - rejecting the notion that art should serve a moral or didactic purpose
  2. The pursuit of beauty as the highest human endeavor
  3. Form as the essence of beauty

Vocabulary: Aestheticism refers to the belief that art should be valued for its beauty alone, rather than any moral or educational function.

Aesthetic writers often led unconventional lives, seeking pleasure and new sensations while dedicating themselves to the cult of beauty and art. This lifestyle represented a rebellion against Victorian hypocrisy and moralism.

The movement introduced the concept of the "dandy"—an elegant, refined man who prioritized appearance and witty conversation. It also popularized works like Huysmans' "À Rebours," which likely inspired the "yellow book" mentioned in Wilde's novel.

Highlight: The Aesthetic Movement's emphasis on beauty and pleasure directly challenged Victorian values of duty, restraint, and moral uprightness.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


Characters in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray: The protagonist, a strikingly handsome and wealthy young man. Influenced by Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian becomes obsessed with his own beauty and pursues a life of pleasure and experience, regardless of moral consequences.

Basil Hallward: An artist who becomes captivated by Dorian's beauty, seeing in him a muse that inspires a new form of art. Basil paints the portrait central to the novel's plot.

Lord Henry Wotton: A nobleman and Basil's friend, known for his wit and cynical worldview. His influence plays a crucial role in Dorian's moral decline.

Sibyl Vane: A talented but poor actress who falls in love with Dorian. Her love for him ultimately affects her ability to perform on stage.

Analysis: The characters' names often carry symbolic meaning. For example, "Dorian" refers to classical Greek beauty, while "Gray" suggests moral ambiguity.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


Plot Summary: The Artist's Studio

Chapter 1 introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the novel's central conflict. Basil Hallward, having completed what he considers his masterpiece, discusses the painting with his friend Lord Henry Wotton. Despite Lord Henry's urging to exhibit the work at the Grosvenor, Basil refuses.

Quote: "Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter." - Basil Hallward

The conversation reveals Basil's deep fascination with his subject, Dorian Gray, whom he sees as a source of artistic inspiration. Lord Henry, intrigued by Basil's reaction, expresses a desire to meet this captivating young man.

Highlight: The opening chapter establishes the themes of beauty, art, and influence that will drive the narrative forward.

This initial scene in the artist's studio sets up the triangular relationship between Basil, Lord Henry, and Dorian that forms the core of the novel's plot and thematic exploration.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


Chapter 5: The Theatre Scene

The chapter centers on a pivotal theatrical performance and its aftermath.

Highlight: The theatre scene serves as a crucial moment in revealing the transformation of Dorian's character.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


Chapter 6: The Portrait's Secret

This section reveals the growing tension between Dorian and Basil regarding the portrait.

Quote: "Dorian was just in time" to prevent Basil from uncovering the portrait.

Highlight: The portrait becomes a physical manifestation of Dorian's moral decay.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat


Oscar Wilde's Life and Literary Career

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin in 1854 to a prominent surgeon father and nationalist poet mother. He received an excellent education, studying at Dublin and Oxford University, where he excelled as a scholar and poet. Wilde was heavily influenced by aesthetic theories, embracing the role of an aesthete who pursued beauty in all its forms.

Highlight: Wilde's pursuit of beauty extended beyond literature to encompass art, fashion, and material objects.

In 1879, Wilde moved to London, quickly gaining a reputation as a brilliant wit and eccentric figure. He married Constance Lloyd and fathered two sons. His literary career began with the publication of "Poems" in 1882, followed by "The Happy Prince and Other Tales," a collection of children's stories.

Definition: An aesthete is someone who has or affects to have a special appreciation of art and beauty.

The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in 1891, remains Wilde's only novel. It sparked controversy for its ambiguous morality and veiled allusions. In 1895, Wilde faced accusations of homosexuality, resulting in a two-year imprisonment. During his incarceration, he penned "De Profundis." After his release, Wilde lived in exile in France, where he died in poverty from meningitis on November 30, 1900.

Quote: "The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." - Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

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The Picture of Dorian Gray: Easy Summary and Analysis for Kids

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17 Follower


The Picture of Dorian Gray is a masterpiece that explores themes of beauty, morality, and corruption. The novel follows the story of a beautiful young man whose portrait ages while he remains eternally youthful, leading to a descent into hedonism and moral decay.

• The story interweaves Oscar Wilde's aesthetic philosophy and decadent themes
• Features key characters including Dorian Gray, Lord Henry, and Basil Hallward
• Explores the relationship between art, beauty, and morality
• Demonstrates the consequences of pursuing pleasure without moral constraints
• Incorporates elements of Estetismo e Decadentismo









Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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The Origins of The Picture of Dorian Gray

The inspiration for The Picture of Dorian Gray came from Wilde's visits to the studio of his painter friend, Basil Ward. Upon seeing Ward paint a particularly handsome subject, Wilde lamented the inevitability of aging. Ward's response—imagining a scenario where the subject remained eternally youthful while the painting aged—sparked the novel's central concept.

Initially published in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, the story reached a wide audience but quickly became embroiled in scandal due to perceived immorality. Paradoxically, this controversy contributed to the novel's success. Wilde later expanded the work, adding six chapters and a preface containing epigrams to address his critics.

Example: The novel's premise of a portrait aging instead of its subject explores themes of vanity, corruption, and the pursuit of eternal youth.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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The Aesthetic Movement and Victorian Society

The Aesthetic Movement emerged during Queen Victoria's reign (1837-1901), a period marked by significant social and industrial changes. This artistic and philosophical movement arose in response to Victorian materialism and moral rigidity.

Key principles of the Aesthetic Movement included:

  1. "Art for art's sake" - rejecting the notion that art should serve a moral or didactic purpose
  2. The pursuit of beauty as the highest human endeavor
  3. Form as the essence of beauty

Vocabulary: Aestheticism refers to the belief that art should be valued for its beauty alone, rather than any moral or educational function.

Aesthetic writers often led unconventional lives, seeking pleasure and new sensations while dedicating themselves to the cult of beauty and art. This lifestyle represented a rebellion against Victorian hypocrisy and moralism.

The movement introduced the concept of the "dandy"—an elegant, refined man who prioritized appearance and witty conversation. It also popularized works like Huysmans' "À Rebours," which likely inspired the "yellow book" mentioned in Wilde's novel.

Highlight: The Aesthetic Movement's emphasis on beauty and pleasure directly challenged Victorian values of duty, restraint, and moral uprightness.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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Characters in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray: The protagonist, a strikingly handsome and wealthy young man. Influenced by Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian becomes obsessed with his own beauty and pursues a life of pleasure and experience, regardless of moral consequences.

Basil Hallward: An artist who becomes captivated by Dorian's beauty, seeing in him a muse that inspires a new form of art. Basil paints the portrait central to the novel's plot.

Lord Henry Wotton: A nobleman and Basil's friend, known for his wit and cynical worldview. His influence plays a crucial role in Dorian's moral decline.

Sibyl Vane: A talented but poor actress who falls in love with Dorian. Her love for him ultimately affects her ability to perform on stage.

Analysis: The characters' names often carry symbolic meaning. For example, "Dorian" refers to classical Greek beauty, while "Gray" suggests moral ambiguity.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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Plot Summary: The Artist's Studio

Chapter 1 introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the novel's central conflict. Basil Hallward, having completed what he considers his masterpiece, discusses the painting with his friend Lord Henry Wotton. Despite Lord Henry's urging to exhibit the work at the Grosvenor, Basil refuses.

Quote: "Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter." - Basil Hallward

The conversation reveals Basil's deep fascination with his subject, Dorian Gray, whom he sees as a source of artistic inspiration. Lord Henry, intrigued by Basil's reaction, expresses a desire to meet this captivating young man.

Highlight: The opening chapter establishes the themes of beauty, art, and influence that will drive the narrative forward.

This initial scene in the artist's studio sets up the triangular relationship between Basil, Lord Henry, and Dorian that forms the core of the novel's plot and thematic exploration.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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Chapter 5: The Theatre Scene

The chapter centers on a pivotal theatrical performance and its aftermath.

Highlight: The theatre scene serves as a crucial moment in revealing the transformation of Dorian's character.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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Chapter 6: The Portrait's Secret

This section reveals the growing tension between Dorian and Basil regarding the portrait.

Quote: "Dorian was just in time" to prevent Basil from uncovering the portrait.

Highlight: The portrait becomes a physical manifestation of Dorian's moral decay.

Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 in Dublin. His father was an important
surgeon, while her mother was an Irish nat

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Oscar Wilde's Life and Literary Career

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin in 1854 to a prominent surgeon father and nationalist poet mother. He received an excellent education, studying at Dublin and Oxford University, where he excelled as a scholar and poet. Wilde was heavily influenced by aesthetic theories, embracing the role of an aesthete who pursued beauty in all its forms.

Highlight: Wilde's pursuit of beauty extended beyond literature to encompass art, fashion, and material objects.

In 1879, Wilde moved to London, quickly gaining a reputation as a brilliant wit and eccentric figure. He married Constance Lloyd and fathered two sons. His literary career began with the publication of "Poems" in 1882, followed by "The Happy Prince and Other Tales," a collection of children's stories.

Definition: An aesthete is someone who has or affects to have a special appreciation of art and beauty.

The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in 1891, remains Wilde's only novel. It sparked controversy for its ambiguous morality and veiled allusions. In 1895, Wilde faced accusations of homosexuality, resulting in a two-year imprisonment. During his incarceration, he penned "De Profundis." After his release, Wilde lived in exile in France, where he died in poverty from meningitis on November 30, 1900.

Quote: "The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." - Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

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