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Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese: Schemi e Esempi per Bambini




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Valentina Grecucci



Ripetizione past, present, future

Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese: Schemi e Esempi per Bambini

A comprehensive guide to essential English verb tenses and conditionals, focusing on their formation, usage, and comparison with Italian equivalents. This resource covers present, past, and future tenses along with conditional structures.

• The guide explores tempi verbali inglese schema through detailed explanations of present simple, present continuous, past simple, and past continuous
• Includes present simple e present continuous schema with clear examples and usage rules
• Features zero and first conditional exercises with practical examples and structural breakdowns
• Provides tempi verbali inglese corrispondenti italiano pdf equivalents for better understanding
• Covers future tense expressions including will, be going to, may, and might




Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese: Schemi e Esempi per Bambini




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Valentina Grecucci



Ripetizione past, present, future

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

The past simple and past continuous tenses are crucial for describing past events and actions in English.

The past simple, equivalent to the Italian past participle, is used for completed actions in the past, brief actions interrupting longer ongoing actions, and sequential actions. It is formed with the subject plus the past form of the verb, using "did/didn't" for negatives and questions.

Example: I worked. (Affirmative) Example: I didn't work. (Negative) Example: Did I work? (Interrogative)

The past continuous, corresponding to the Italian gerund, describes actions in progress at a specific moment in the past, long actions interrupted by brief ones, and simultaneous actions. It is formed with "was/were" plus the verb with "-ing".

Example: I was reading. (Affirmative) Example: I wasn't reading. (Negative) Example: Was I reading? (Interrogative)

Highlight: Common conjunctions used with past continuous include when, while, and as.

Future Expressions

English uses various structures to express future actions and intentions.

The present continuous can be used for future plans:

Example: I'm visiting Rome next week.

"Be going to" is used for intentions:

Example: I'm going to join a gym.

"Will/won't" is used for predictions and spontaneous decisions:

Example: I will buy a new book.

"May" and "might" express uncertainty about future events:

Example: I might wear my new jeans.

Highlight: Time expressions for future include later, this evening, tonight, and tomorrow.

Zero and First Conditional

The zero conditional is used for general truths or scientific facts. Its structure is: If/When + present simple, present simple

The first conditional expresses possible conditions in the future. Its structure is: If + present simple, will/won't + base form

Example: If you find out what she likes, it will be easier to think of some ideas.

These conditional structures are essential for expressing cause-and-effect relationships and hypothetical situations in English.

Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese: Schemi e Esempi per Bambini




user profile picture

Valentina Grecucci



Ripetizione past, present, future

Future Tenses and Conditionals

This section covers various ways to express future time and conditional relationships, incorporating zero and first conditional come si forma.

Definition: Zero Conditional expresses universal truths, while First Conditional describes possible future situations.

Example: "If you heat water to 100°C, it boils" (Zero Conditional) vs "If you find out what she likes, it will be easier" (First Conditional)

Highlight: Future expressions include Present Continuous for arrangements, be going to for intentions, and will/won't for predictions.

Vocabulary: May/Might - modal verbs used to express possibility in the future.

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Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese: Schemi e Esempi per Bambini

A comprehensive guide to essential English verb tenses and conditionals, focusing on their formation, usage, and comparison with Italian equivalents. This resource covers present, past, and future tenses along with conditional structures.

• The guide explores tempi verbali inglese schema through detailed explanations of present simple, present continuous, past simple, and past continuous
• Includes present simple e present continuous schema with clear examples and usage rules
• Features zero and first conditional exercises with practical examples and structural breakdowns
• Provides tempi verbali inglese corrispondenti italiano pdf equivalents for better understanding
• Covers future tense expressions including will, be going to, may, and might









Starter A
Present simple vs present continuous
Il present simple ha il suo corrispettivo in italiano nel presente indicativo.
Il present sim

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Past Simple vs Past Continuous

The past simple and past continuous tenses are crucial for describing past events and actions in English.

The past simple, equivalent to the Italian past participle, is used for completed actions in the past, brief actions interrupting longer ongoing actions, and sequential actions. It is formed with the subject plus the past form of the verb, using "did/didn't" for negatives and questions.

Example: I worked. (Affirmative) Example: I didn't work. (Negative) Example: Did I work? (Interrogative)

The past continuous, corresponding to the Italian gerund, describes actions in progress at a specific moment in the past, long actions interrupted by brief ones, and simultaneous actions. It is formed with "was/were" plus the verb with "-ing".

Example: I was reading. (Affirmative) Example: I wasn't reading. (Negative) Example: Was I reading? (Interrogative)

Highlight: Common conjunctions used with past continuous include when, while, and as.

Future Expressions

English uses various structures to express future actions and intentions.

The present continuous can be used for future plans:

Example: I'm visiting Rome next week.

"Be going to" is used for intentions:

Example: I'm going to join a gym.

"Will/won't" is used for predictions and spontaneous decisions:

Example: I will buy a new book.

"May" and "might" express uncertainty about future events:

Example: I might wear my new jeans.

Highlight: Time expressions for future include later, this evening, tonight, and tomorrow.

Zero and First Conditional

The zero conditional is used for general truths or scientific facts. Its structure is: If/When + present simple, present simple

The first conditional expresses possible conditions in the future. Its structure is: If + present simple, will/won't + base form

Example: If you find out what she likes, it will be easier to think of some ideas.

These conditional structures are essential for expressing cause-and-effect relationships and hypothetical situations in English.

Starter A
Present simple vs present continuous
Il present simple ha il suo corrispettivo in italiano nel presente indicativo.
Il present sim

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Future Tenses and Conditionals

This section covers various ways to express future time and conditional relationships, incorporating zero and first conditional come si forma.

Definition: Zero Conditional expresses universal truths, while First Conditional describes possible future situations.

Example: "If you heat water to 100°C, it boils" (Zero Conditional) vs "If you find out what she likes, it will be easier" (First Conditional)

Highlight: Future expressions include Present Continuous for arrangements, be going to for intentions, and will/won't for predictions.

Vocabulary: May/Might - modal verbs used to express possibility in the future.

Starter A
Present simple vs present continuous
Il present simple ha il suo corrispettivo in italiano nel presente indicativo.
Il present sim

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

The present simple and present continuous tenses are fundamental in English, each serving specific purposes in communication.

The present simple, equivalent to the Italian present indicative, is used for habitual actions, general truths, and repeated actions. It is formed with the subject plus the base verb form, using "do/does" for negatives and questions.

Example: He works for BOSCH. (Affirmative) Example: He doesn't work for BOSCH. (Negative) Example: Does he work for BOSCH? (Interrogative)

Highlight: Time expressions commonly used with present simple include always, usually, often, never, and sometimes.

The present continuous, corresponding to the Italian present progressive, describes actions happening at the moment of speaking or repeated irritating actions. It is formed with the subject, the verb "to be", and the base verb with "-ing".

Example: He is working now. (Affirmative) Example: He isn't working now. (Negative) Example: Is he working? (Interrogative)

Highlight: Time expressions for present continuous include at the moment, at present, currently, and now.

Vocabulary: State verbs are verbs that do not typically use the continuous form. Some examples include believe, know, think, understand, remember, suppose, imagine, realize, love, like, hate, want, need, and have.

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