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Hamlet in English: Characters, Summary, Analysis, and PDF







<h2 id="firstact">First Act</h2>
<p>In the first act of the play, Hamlet's father, the King of Denmark, has just died, and his mother, Quee


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<h2 id="firstact">First Act</h2>
<p>In the first act of the play, Hamlet's father, the King of Denmark, has just died, and his mother, Quee


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<h2 id="firstact">First Act</h2>
<p>In the first act of the play, Hamlet's father, the King of Denmark, has just died, and his mother, Quee


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First Act

In the first act of the play, Hamlet's father, the King of Denmark, has just died, and his mother, Queen Gertrude, has married his brother-in-law, Claudius, who has now become the king.

Second Act

A ghost resembling the king of Denmark appears to the sentries at the Castle of Elsinore, revealing that he was killed by Claudius and asking to be avenged.

Third Act

Hamlet and his friend Horatio arrange a night meeting to see the ghost, who confirms to Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. Hamlet decides to pretend to be mad in order to carry out his revenge more easily. Meanwhile, Polonius, the king's advisor, believes that Hamlet's madness is caused by his love for his daughter, Ophelia. Hamlet arranges for a troupe of actors to perform a play that parallels the story revealed by the ghost.

Fourth Act

Laertes, Ophelia's brother, seeks revenge for his father's murder and plots Hamlet's death with the help of the king. Hamlet is sent to England, but he manages to escape.

Fifth Act

Ophelia goes mad and drowns herself, while Laertes and the king conspire to kill Hamlet. During a confrontation, Laertes wounds Hamlet with a poisoned sword, and in the ensuing struggle, both Hamlet and Laertes are fatally wounded. Before his death, Hamlet asks his friend Horatio to tell his story.


The story is set in the late Middle Ages in and around the castle in Elsinore, Denmark. Hamlet is studying in Wittenberg, Germany, and his skepticism of the ghost may be connected to the development of the plot.

The Character of Hamlet

Hamlet is the most talkative of Shakespeare's characters. His language is characterized by ambiguity, with everything he says conveyed through metaphor, simile, and wordplay. His words often have hidden meanings.


While Hamlet can be considered a revenge tragedy, it also explores themes such as love, madness, youth and age, action and inaction, and the existence of God and life after death. The play also delves into the ambiguous relationship between life and death.

In summary, Hamlet is a complex play that explores the themes of revenge, love, madness, and the human condition, through the character of Hamlet and the events that unfold in the kingdom of Denmark.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • Hamlet is a play set in Denmark about a prince seeking revenge
  • Plot centers on the death of the king and marriage of his widow to the new king
  • The ghost of the dead king asks Hamlet to avenge his murder
  • Hamlet pretends to be mad to uncover the truth and seek revenge
  • Themes include love, madness, life and death, and the human condition.
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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What is the setting of the play Hamlet?

A: The story is set in the late Middle Ages in and around the castle in Elsinore, Denmark.

Q: What is the main theme of Hamlet?

A: The main themes of Hamlet include revenge, love, madness, and the human condition.

Q: Who seeks revenge for his father's murder and conspires to kill Hamlet?

A: Laertes seeks revenge for his father's murder and conspires to kill Hamlet with the help of the king.

Q: How does Hamlet try to carry out his revenge more easily?

A: Hamlet decides to pretend to be mad in order to carry out his revenge more easily.

Q: What is the character of Hamlet known for?

A: Hamlet is known for being the most talkative of Shakespeare's characters, with language characterized by ambiguity and hidden meanings.

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