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The Suffragettes and the First World War: Summary and Research PDF







<h2 id="edwardianengland">Edwardian England</h2>
<p>When Queen Victoria died in 1901, her son, Edward VII, came to the throne. During this


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<h2 id="edwardianengland">Edwardian England</h2>
<p>When Queen Victoria died in 1901, her son, Edward VII, came to the throne. During this


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Edwardian England

When Queen Victoria died in 1901, her son, Edward VII, came to the throne. During this time, France and Germany posed challenges to Britain with technical innovations. For example, Germany built a navy to challenge Britain's supremacy at sea. In response, King Edward signed an agreement with France, the Entente Cordiale (1904), which allowed Britain to pursue its interests in Egypt, and France in Morocco. A few years later, an alliance (the Triple Entente) among Britain, France, and Russia against Germany, Austria, and Italy was formed. The society during the Edwardian Age was similar to the Victorian one, characterized by well-defined class distinctions, and poverty affected a large proportion of the population. However, the societal rebellion started during this period.

Welfare State

The political landscape started to change during this time period. The Labour Representation Committee was developed into the Labour Party in 1906, which included the Trade Unions and socialist associations that defended the rights of workers. The general election in the same year was won by the Liberals, who were divided into two groups. They had differing views on traditional liberal values of laissez-faire and self-help, and certain forms of State intervention in social life, known as New Liberalism. The Welfare State began through the introduction of new reforms (1909-1911) to help children from poor families, old people, and workers.

The Suffragettes

At the beginning of the twentieth century, suffrage was limited to men only. The Suffragettes, women of all social classes, started large protest marches and violent protests in London to demand the right to vote. After years of struggle, women over 30 gained the right to vote in 1918 after World War I, while women over 21 could vote from 1928 onwards.

The Outbreak of the War

In 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria triggered a series of events that led to the outbreak of World War I. Germany invaded neutral Belgium, causing Britain to declare war against Germany and join the fight on the Western Front.

Britain at War

During World War I, there was an idealization of the war and people were very patriotic. The soldiers fought in trenches, which was a new and stressful way of fighting compared to previous wars. New weapons such as submarines, machine guns, gasses, airplanes, tanks, barbed wire, and shells were used. The war also had a significant impact on societal roles, with women replacing men in their civilian jobs, leading to their fight for suffrage.

The Easter Rising in Ireland

The Easter Rising in Ireland in 1916 was a pivotal event in the fight for Irish Independence. The Irish Question, regarding the promise of home rule to Ireland, was postponed due to the war. This led to a rebellion in Dublin, known as the "Easter Rising."

For more information on this topic, you can download the pdf "le suffragette tesina" which provides a comprehensive summary of the Suffragette movement and its impact on society. This resource is highly recommended for students researching the Suffragette movement for a school project or assignment. Additionally, the "suffragette in italia" pdf provides detailed insights into the Suffragette movement in Italy, making it a valuable resource for those conducting research on the topic.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • Edwardian England: Challenges from France and Germany, society with class distinctions
  • Welfare State: Labour Party formed, introduction of reforms for poor families and workers
  • The Suffragettes: Women's protest for the right to vote, gained limited voting rights after World War I
  • Outbreak of the War: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Britain declared war on Germany
  • Impact of World War I: New weapons used, women took on civilian jobs, Easter Rising in Ireland

For more information on this topic, you can download the pdf "le suffragette tesina" which provides a comprehensive summary of the Suffragette movement and its impact on society. This resource is highly recommended for students researching the Suffragette movement for a school project or assignment. Additionally, the "suffragette in italia" pdf provides detailed insights into the Suffragette movement in Italy, making it a valuable resource for those conducting research on the topic.

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Q: What was the Entente Cordiale and how did it impact Britain in the Edwardian Age?

A: The Entente Cordiale was an agreement between Britain and France in 1904, allowing Britain to pursue its interests in Egypt and France in Morocco. It helped Britain address the challenge posed by Germany's navy and led to the formation of the Triple Entente.

Q: What political changes occurred in the Edwardian Age and how did they contribute to the development of the Welfare State?

A: The Labour Party was established in 1906, representing Trade Unions and socialist associations defending workers' rights. The Liberals also introduced new reforms from 1909-1911, initiating the development of the Welfare State.

Q: What were the main actions taken by the Suffragettes to demand the right to vote for women?

A: The Suffragettes organized large protest marches and engaged in violent protests in London to demand the right to vote for women, who were initially excluded from suffrage.

Q: What were the significant events that led to the outbreak of World War I, and how did Britain become involved?

A: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Germany's invasion of neutral Belgium led to the outbreak of World War I. Britain declared war against Germany and joined the fight on the Western Front.

Q: How did World War I impact societal roles in Britain and contribute to the fight for women's suffrage?

A: During World War I, women replaced men in civilian jobs, leading to an increased demand for women's suffrage. The war influenced societal roles and contributed to women gaining the right to vote in 1918 and 1928.

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