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Tue romans







The Romana (13-409 AD)
55-54 BC: Julius Caesar invated Britaim
43-47 AD began the real conquest under Emperor Claudius; (smuggling lands)


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The Romana (13-409 AD) I 55-54 BC: Julius Caesar invated Britaim 43-47 AD began the real conquest under Emperor Claudius; (smuggling lands) : ↓ Romou encouraged the growth of towns near their army bases. ↓ Towms: centres of commercial activity + public bath + 9,600 km of Paved Roadro im Britaim. Londom: Harigins of London can be traced to the Roman invasion; they built the first London Bridge on the River Thames, which because the central point for new net work of roads. they called their settlement on the north side of the bridge Londinium Homument: Hadrian's Wall, constructed as a defensive fortification and custaus barrier. It row from the east cast to the west cost. 409 BD: Emperor Homorius withdrew his soldiers to defeud Rome against Barbariau raiders. The Romanised Celts were left alome to fight against the Anglo-Saxon peoples from Germany and Scandinavia, who invaded the island in the 5th century and destroyed the Roman British tauns. British place names: The names of many taums founded by the Rormaux, like Doncaster, Gloucester, Hanchester, Lanchester end in -caster, -cester or -chester → these suffixér come from castrum, the Latin word for a fortified military camp.

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