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english culture







England was called as it is after german invasion, was the land of Angles so
from there England. English was introduced by Angles,


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England was called as it is after german invasion, was the land of Angles so
from there England. English was introduced by Angles,


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culture. England was called as it is after german invasion, was the land of Angles so from there England. English was introduced by Angles, Jules and saxons, before every conquest (from south to North) brought a difference languages. CECTS Cells lived in clans that were like extended family more clans together formed tribes, of warriors) who shared similar religion Language and culture. They gradually settled between soo and 100 BC. They lived in buts and were devoted to natural elements, they brought ironworking that helped the popolation to become more indipendent. They practised agricoltures that become easter thanks to the iron plague. Women were considered equal to men they could choose the men they wanted to marry and could also fight as cor examble Boadicea (warrior queen that fought against the romans). they depended on oral tradition, they used to pass literature from generation to another. HALLOWEEN nas colts origin, summer ended on the 31st October, it was called "Sambain" on this night they thought that evil critures come back and that they could enter in the body of a person or an animal so to defend their selves. They sett up a big fire. Than with the christian, they decide to change the home so the 1st of November became "Au hallows day and the 31st...

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become "All bollows eve" that became nowoween ROMANS $s before Christ Julius Caesar invaded Britain but for the real conquest was under emperor Claudius between 43 and 47 AD, the tribes were transformed into province, towns were comecled by streets and were also created a forum comected to a Basilica (sort of court of Justice) and also pubblic baths that were used as spas and as meeting place They built over 9600km of Roads, that facilitates the moovent of troops and goods and fortification from the fast to the west coast + They built the first " London Bridge" (controlled the roads of a very important road network chondinium) The reigh was divided basing on tribes there was Fast Angles North Wales, kent west walls and wessex norman conquest 14th of October 1066 William the Duke of Normandy defeated Harold i at Hosting, so William was crowned as william on the Christmas day. He create a new Aristocracy, based on feudalism a system in which the barons were tenants of the king paying with militar service. 20 year after William sent his men through England to make a survey, that survey was written down inside the Domesay book. This document was important as in that way he could set the taxation and know the wealth of his popolation henry II in the years after the Norman conquest there wasn't a low to decide who will be the king. After an arrangment in 1153 Henry 11 was the first of the Plantagonet dynasty. He brought order, reduced the barons power and introduced the soulage" for the knights. He sent judges that travelled the country. and the common low spread rapidly. It was a law based on previous cases and decision. Thomas BECKET AS Henry 11 wanted to reduce Church Power he thought that the best way was by using his friend momos Becket, once he become archibishop Becket turns into an oppositor of the king. A fight between the two started that ended with the murder of Becker in Canterbury cathedral the 29th December 1170. This murder shocked all Europe and Becket was became a martyr, from that time canterbury became a pelgrims destination (to see the ashes) MAGNA CARTA in 189 Richard I succeeded to his father Henry is, he was probably the king that spent less time in his land as he took part in the third crusade. His brother John usurped his place, John is known as Lackland and as cruel and coward, this also thanks to "Robin boods film's). He spent all his time as a king fighting against france and asking the Barons always an higher amount of taxes so that he could finance the war. In 1215 the rebellion broke out and after the defeat king John agreed to sign the magha carta a document that limited the power of the king, recognizes the rights of the people and the indipendence of English Church. During Henry in reign birth of Parliament BEOWULF 1'st example of English litterature, around 10th century, it describes the time following the invasion of the Angles, Saxon and Jules. It is written in Old English. it speaks about Beowulf the Nephew of the king that killed monster Grenciel and his mother and the story of Bewovie fighting against a dragco, in which The lose his life about so years later has alliteration and similes). LORD RANDAL is a traditional ballaa, it was song and danced, it use a cross myme (ABAB) and the fourth line is repeated in the first four stanzas and in the last four, it speak about word Randal poisoned he arrives at home and say his will to his mother, also the last part of the lines is repeated along the ballad (the first cord Randal my son?") geoFFREY Chaucher he recived excellent education, he raised his social status thanks The book of the Duchess" for the death of John of Gount's first wife. The most famous was the canterbury Tales". Canterbury tales it was unfinished, he spoke about the three social orders, the peasent, the nobility and the cleargy. it speaks about thirty people Pilmigrate to canterbury each of them has to tell 4 hovels and the pirigaim that said the best world win a free dinner. He Cocus on the description of the social class of the Perigrim, he makes fun of the low clergy, he speaks about the warlike aspect of the noble classes, peasent not present + he include people that are not in the three "basic" social class as the wife of Bath". Chaucer's pilgrims is more intresied in socializing that in spirituality, he chose the Middle English as the language of the poem (that is a blend of French, Anglosaxon and (atin). 5.5+8+5+7 +9 F 85$ ㅋ 34|S: 5 =