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Dr Jeckill e Mr Hyde







DR JECKYLL and Mr. Hyde
Mr Utterson is a respectable london lawyer, frund to the brilliant Scientist Dr Jeckyu...
As he investigates further


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DR JECKYLL and Mr. Hyde Mr Utterson is a respectable london lawyer, frund to the brilliant Scientist Dr Jeckyu... As he investigates further into the life of. Dr. J., he discovers a story so the terrifying, that he can hardly believe it. In fact his friend had created a potion able to realise his evil side, called Mr. Hyde The Story takes place in London in the 1870s. At that time London had a "double nature" and reflected the hypocrisy of Victorian Sowety. This ambivalence is reinforced by the symbolism of Jeckil's house, whose 2 facades. rapoesent the faces of the 2 opposites opposed side of the same man: - the front of this have used by the doctor. (part of a square) -while the rear part (side), used by Hyde, is a part of asinister block of buildings Has a MOLTI-NARRATIVE STRUCTURE, and there are 4 narrators: • Nr.. Utterson a respectable condion coulyer, which in the story has the role of a detective. • Mr. Enfield, he has a strong relation ship whith Utterson, and he is a distant clative. Mr Utterson and our Enfeeld always maced a wale togle there on the Sunday mornings.. •De LANYON, a colleague and friend of *. Jeckyll, who was the first person which his friend fransformed. •Dr JeaCiu,...

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Didascalia alternativa:

in first pearson, when he wrote a letter.