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Charles Dickens







Charles Dickens
was borm
Im 1812 im Port mouth. His lower-middle class family was oftem im
financial difficulty > his father is sent to pris


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Charles Dickens
was borm
Im 1812 im Port mouth. His lower-middle class family was oftem im
financial difficulty > his father is sent to pris


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Charles Dickens
was borm
Im 1812 im Port mouth. His lower-middle class family was oftem im
financial difficulty > his father is sent to pris


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Charles Dickens was borm Im 1812 im Port mouth. His lower-middle class family was oftem im financial difficulty > his father is sent to prisom for debt. 12 years old=> he is forced to leave school and work in a boot-blacking factory. them he works as a journalist. He publishes Sketches of Victoriam life and Society=pseudonym of Boz literary career => starts with the publication of his first movel 'The Pickwick Papers" Whem he died, he was (dirty, cold ) im this factory he underwent the violence, he wrote about this experience = Dawid Copperfield. recognised as the dominant literary figure of the Victorian Age Stressing hard work Themes his movels end with good preveuling over evil and have a didactic oum, the importance of qualities such as gratitude, homesty and he is considered moralistic and Sentimental begimming of his literary career: he focuses on the vices and virtues of the middle and upper classes. (-he mixes sense of humor and pathos, he uses the Suspense as a device to catch the readers attections, encouraging the readers to buy the mext istalment. -he uses am ironic tom while criticising social injustice and imequality • later, wrote more sombre works which strongly condemm Victorian Society => Great Expectations, characterised by bitter iromy and a gothic atmosphere (based on the bad experience of a young boy who gradually grows up) Charles Dickens is remembered for: historical movels -> sentimental movels (A...

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Didascalia alternativa:

Christmas Carol) → Social / humanitarian movels (Oliver Twist - Hard times-D. Copperfield) 77 most autobiographical movel He Im the social movels he criticises the slums, the cr imality and the brutality of the Schools. was considere a social reformer but he didn't advocated a change => he just demounces Style - detailed and realistic descriptions of settings. • liveliness of dialogue • umique and memorable character => • aspects drawn from reality. • divided into and evils good * movels have am happy ending physical descriptions emphasise their maim features 'expression of moral qualities. • he doesn't create a type but each character is different from others. • even the names of his characters are Significant (Pip = protagonist of Great Expectations, the mame refers to something Small or to the seed which became a fruit, Suggesting that the boy will grow up) Oliver Twist plot => Oliver Twist is an orphan who grows I'm a workhouse, rum by Mr Bumble. When he asks for more food, he is expelled. One night, he rums away to Londom, where he falls into the hands of a gang of pickpockets, led by Fagim. Rescued by Mr Brownlow, Fagim orders him to be kindmappen and he is obliged to take part in a burglary.. Shot by the servants, he is taken care of by the owners of the house. They also help him find Mr. Brownlow, who finally adopt him. characters => Oliver = emblem of good and immocence he endures adversities without losing hope im better future. fagım=emblem of evil exploits orphems by turning them into thieves. Mr Bumble = lacks the Christian values he professes. Mr Brownlow = well-educated man Courageus and loyal emblem of respectability perfect guide and mentor for Oliver Themes-) revolves around the misadventures of a little orphom, who has to Im a corrupt and greedy world → hypocrisies and injustices of the Victorian Age struggle Hard Times alame Children's lives inside workhouses:• separated from their families. • have to work long hours and are given little food in return there are characters who are unable to change the course of their lives. = there is hope for others, who try to escape from a life they cammot endure and are finally '"Saved' is a critical movel of utilitarianism doctrim, introduced by Jeremy Bentham and Stuart Mill. I'm this movel, Dickens stresses the dehumanising effects of an industrial Society based on a materialistic view of life. Main character = Thomas Gradgrind -> mechanical, tedious he feels good in his square world of facts and figures. represents utilitarianism and the industrial society that doesn't left Space to dreams and imagination. The movel is set im Coketoum (cool city). Granding is the headmaster of a school and he thinks children are pitchers that have to be filled with motions. His materialistic view of life Start to be challenged by ome of his student, Sissy Jupe, who he decided to adopt. She is. a spontaneous and imaginative girl who doesn't accept Granding's world. On the other hand, Blitzer, his favourite pupil, is the consequence of an educational system based am utilitaramısm: an emotionless boy, a little pitcher that contains many facts and figures. At the end of the movel Granding understands how his world is limited reason cammot explain everything and is feelings, imagination and intuition too.