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Aesthetic movement; Oscar Wilde, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”







the same buildings and the people like are another they worked at the
same time and did the same works.
This novel contains 3 metaphores =


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the same buildings and the people like are another they worked at the
same time and did the same works.
This novel contains 3 metaphores =


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the same buildings and the people like are another they worked at the
same time and did the same works.
This novel contains 3 metaphores =


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the same buildings and the people like are another they worked at the same time and did the same works. = This novel contains 3 metaphores = the serpents of swicke, the unatural red and black of the town that reminds him the face of a savage and the similarity between the piston of a steau-engive and the elephant's head ill a stage of melancoly madness. Dickeus wanted to critisize the industrialization which lead to pullution and alienation of people. 1. aesthetic movement. •The asthetic moviment began in France at the end of the 19th century with the poet Goustier. It reflected the artist's reaction against materialism and moralism of the widdle class. They wanted to introduce a new role of art, following sensation and exsess and reject: the didatic art, in which the artist desaind give a wessage). Gautier defined "ART for ART'S SAKE" - → a motto that sums up aidia the new idea of art = it museit teach anything or be useful and rational. It's uses must only be beautiful, infact form is most important than the content, and is all and on himself. V Walter Pater is considered the main theorist of the moviment with his slogan. "live life as a work of art". He thought that life should be live with intense experience and sensation, following all...

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form of beautiful like in art. • Pater's work influenced poets and writers, expecially Oscar Wilde, one of his universital student, who rapresent English' aestetich moviment. Oscar Wilde ● • life → Was bow in Dublin in 1854 by a rich family. He was sent to Oxford to study Classic and then he moved to London where he became a celebrity for exertúciti this eccentricity and his style of dress as a DANDY = a man who boasted about This apparence, wearing extravagant clothes and looking for the beautique in all his life (laugange, food, home decor,...). He had a great personality, because he wanted to stand out from others; He was also very witty in his meeting as a speaker, and he became famous for his irony and mucunventional position •He wrote a series of short stories for his two children (Happy prince) and then his first and only movel "The picture of Dorian Gray" (in 1891) So plays and witty comedy of manners, including "the importance of Being Earnest Lin 1895, his masterpiece) → Farmest is a play of words makes fun that means a cristian name but also the value of respectability, to two life. 1'city - 1'campara waking fun the Victorian's values. → His succesful ended when he started au homosexual relation, illegal in Britain, for which he was sentenced to two-years' hard eabour. When he was released he went in Paris where he died in 1900 in poverty. For hisu=- ·art is usefule, infact he rejected the didacticisul •the artist is the creator of beautiful things This is - "There is no such things as a moral or an inmoral book. Books are well written, or badly writter. That is all" → it's the affirmation present in the "Preface" of his novel (Pict. of.D.G.) that is considered the manifesto of the teories of the desthetic movement. the picture of Dorian Gray • It's his only novel that he wrote in 1891. The story is set in England at the end of the 19th century, and the protagonist is Dorian Gray, a young and beautiful man who made a painter, Basil Hallward, fall in love. Basie decided. to paint his portrait and in front of that Dorian made a wish to stay aud beautiful forever and that the won in the picture would young grow old in his place. For magic this come true and there is an exchange between art and life. Under the influence of the intellectual Lord Heury Wotton, Dorian started a life of pleausure, becoming selfish, insensitive to other people and immoral; lufact the portrait became everytime wore ugly while he stayed beautiful. Then he killed the painter because he discovered. the truth and the chemist that helped him to meet the painter's body 7 Consequentially a bloodstain appeared on the portrait, as it rapresented. his own bad save. Then Dorian was fed up with his life in fact he wounted to be pure again. So he tried to eliminated the picture, stabbing it, but in doing so, he killed himself and the portrait returus beautiful. The novel it's not realistic, it's all pl an allegory for the exchange between art, rapresented by the portrait, and life, Dorian Gray, concluding that art is superior because it's ethernal. There are two metaphor = - one follows the slogan "live life as a work of art" infact may becames. art and the work of art becaumes life the second one is the double because the same personality is speit in two identity = Que good, Dorian Gray, and the portrait, the mirror of his concious, the bad one. Critizing the luy parisis