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Pitagora e la sua Scuola Pitagorica: Scopriamo Insieme!




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Pitagora e la sua Scuola Pitagorica: Scopriamo Insieme!

The Evolution of Pythagorean Philosophy and Mathematics - A comprehensive exploration of Pitagora e la scuola pitagorica and its profound influence on mathematics, philosophy, and music.

• The foundation of the scuola pitagorica in Crotone marked a pivotal moment in ancient Greek philosophy and mathematics.

Pitagora, born in Samo (571/570 BC), established both a philosophical school and a religious-political association.

• The Pythagorean doctrine encompassed mathematical principles, musical harmony, and spiritual beliefs about the soul's transmigration.

• Their mathematical innovations laid the groundwork for modern mathematical thinking and scientific reasoning.




<p>Pitagora è nato a Samo nel 571/570 a.C. e è morto nel 490 a.C. La sua scuola, la Scuola Pitagorica, è stata fondata a Crotone, dove è an


Mathematical Innovations and Worldview

The storia della matematica in breve shows how Pythagoreans developed the fundamental elements of mathematical thinking and practical applications.

Highlight: Pythagoreans established that numbers were the substance of all things, introducing a quantitative approach to understanding nature.

Definition: Tetraktys - A sacred figure represented by an equilateral triangle with four points on each side, symbolizing perfection.

The Pythagorean understanding of mathematics included:

  • The fusion of arithmetic and geometry
  • The concept of unity as identical to the geometric point
  • The measurable order of the world through numbers

Quote: "The true nature of the world consists in a geometric ordering expressible in numbers."

<p>Pitagora è nato a Samo nel 571/570 a.C. e è morto nel 490 a.C. La sua scuola, la Scuola Pitagorica, è stata fondata a Crotone, dove è an


Musical Harmony and Cosmic Order

The Pythagorean school established profound connections between music, mathematics, and cosmic harmony.

Definition: Harmony - The simultaneous execution of different sounds according to mathematical ratios.

Highlight: The movement of celestial spheres was believed to produce a magnificent melody, inaudible to human ears due to constant exposure.

Key concepts included:

  • The opposition between limit and unlimited
  • Ten fundamental oppositions including odd-even, male-female
  • The universe as an eternal triumph of order over chaos

Example: Musical pleasure was understood to derive from mathematical relationships between notes, establishing a scientific basis for musical harmony.

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Pitagora e la sua Scuola Pitagorica: Scopriamo Insieme!

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The Evolution of Pythagorean Philosophy and Mathematics - A comprehensive exploration of Pitagora e la scuola pitagorica and its profound influence on mathematics, philosophy, and music.

• The foundation of the scuola pitagorica in Crotone marked a pivotal moment in ancient Greek philosophy and mathematics.

Pitagora, born in Samo (571/570 BC), established both a philosophical school and a religious-political association.

• The Pythagorean doctrine encompassed mathematical principles, musical harmony, and spiritual beliefs about the soul's transmigration.

• Their mathematical innovations laid the groundwork for modern mathematical thinking and scientific reasoning.









<p>Pitagora è nato a Samo nel 571/570 a.C. e è morto nel 490 a.C. La sua scuola, la Scuola Pitagorica, è stata fondata a Crotone, dove è an

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Mathematical Innovations and Worldview

The storia della matematica in breve shows how Pythagoreans developed the fundamental elements of mathematical thinking and practical applications.

Highlight: Pythagoreans established that numbers were the substance of all things, introducing a quantitative approach to understanding nature.

Definition: Tetraktys - A sacred figure represented by an equilateral triangle with four points on each side, symbolizing perfection.

The Pythagorean understanding of mathematics included:

  • The fusion of arithmetic and geometry
  • The concept of unity as identical to the geometric point
  • The measurable order of the world through numbers

Quote: "The true nature of the world consists in a geometric ordering expressible in numbers."

<p>Pitagora è nato a Samo nel 571/570 a.C. e è morto nel 490 a.C. La sua scuola, la Scuola Pitagorica, è stata fondata a Crotone, dove è an

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Musical Harmony and Cosmic Order

The Pythagorean school established profound connections between music, mathematics, and cosmic harmony.

Definition: Harmony - The simultaneous execution of different sounds according to mathematical ratios.

Highlight: The movement of celestial spheres was believed to produce a magnificent melody, inaudible to human ears due to constant exposure.

Key concepts included:

  • The opposition between limit and unlimited
  • Ten fundamental oppositions including odd-even, male-female
  • The universe as an eternal triumph of order over chaos

Example: Musical pleasure was understood to derive from mathematical relationships between notes, establishing a scientific basis for musical harmony.

<p>Pitagora è nato a Samo nel 571/570 a.C. e è morto nel 490 a.C. La sua scuola, la Scuola Pitagorica, è stata fondata a Crotone, dove è an

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Origins and Philosophical Foundations

The story begins with Pitagora dove e nato - on the island of Samo, arriving in Italy around 532-531 BC. The scuola pitagorica Crotone became both an educational institution and a religious-political organization.

Highlight: The school was remarkably inclusive for its time, accepting both men and women as students.

Definition: "Ipse Dixit" (He himself said it) became a phrase associated with Pythagorean teachings, indicating the unquestionable nature of Pythagoras's statements.

Example: Pythagoras taught behind a curtain, contributing to his mystical reputation and divine status among followers.

The school featured two types of participants:

  • Mathematicians who could engage in questioning
  • Acusmatici who were limited to listening and transmitting teachings

Vocabulary: Metempsychosis - The doctrine of soul transmigration, central to Pythagorean beliefs.

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Knowunity è l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei

Knowunity è stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed è costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

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Knowunity è l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei


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