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Early Britain - Primi Popoli nella Penisola Britannica







Early Britain
The First Inhabitants
the first inhabitants of england were the pre-historic iberians, they built stonehenge, a circle of


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Early Britain The First Inhabitants the first inhabitants of england were the pre-historic iberians, they built stonehenge, a circle of enormous stones, which was pobably a temple or something like a calendar to read the stars. in fact during the summer solstice and the winter solstice, the sun passes through the 'stone doors. The celts celt is a modern, general title for groups of people with the same language. it was towards 700 bo that the celts migration began, they didn't invaded britain, but gradually settled there. they spoke their own celtic language (someone are still spoken: welsh, gaelic, irish) and they were divided into tribes in small villages, they were tribes (form from clans) of warriors who shared a similar language, religion and culture. their economy was based on fishing, hunting and agriculture, they brought ironworking to britain, women were considered almost equal to men (they had a property and they could fight). they worshipped the natural elements, like the sun, the moon, the water and the druids were the priests (experts of law, history, medicine), they were supposed to have magical powers, the culture was transmitted orally, through bards. The Romans the romans invided england (in 55 bc) under the lidership of julius caesar and they stay there about 400 years, during that time...

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they built towns, fortifications and roads, and introduced their culture. they build a drainage system, heating and water supply, roman advance was halted and the emperor hadrian built the hadrian's wall, to protect england against possible invasions from the warfaring tribes of scotland, so to keep the northern raiders out of the roman britain, they introduced the latin language (-chester, from - castra). they imposed roman laws and taxes. they introduced christianity, but in ad 409 emperor honorius was forced to withdraw to defend rome against the visigoths and barbarian raiders from northern germany. The Anglo-saxons in 410 ad the romans call all the forces of the empire to protect rome, and in 455 the anglo-saxons conquered the territory, they were from the northern europe and were divided in angles, saxons and jutes and dividing the country into 7 kingdoms (northumbria, mercia, east anglia, wessex, sussex, essex, kent), and live in small group. 'old english' was the languages they spoke and is the primitive stage of the english spoken today, they used the runic alphabet until the conversion to christianity. they established a feudal order and a pagan culture (gods of germanic and scandinavian traditions). they had to defend themselves from a new way of invasions: the vikings. The christianity in Britain the romans had brought the christianity to britain, but during the anglo-saxons they been pushed to limited parts of the country. then pope gregory 1 sent missionaries to britain and a lot of people were baptised. (the monk st. agustine rebuilt the church) The Vikings the vikings were coming from denmark and norway they began their progressive conquest of england in the 8th century. the anglo-saxon king, alfred the great (great scholar who developed education in england), was forced to concede them the control of the northern england. the name comes from the old norse and means pirate raid they had a complex system of mythological beliefs. Under the regin of king alfred he established a comprehensive legal system and he had it written 'The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (a lot of information of the history of england) something About The Language: - english evolved and became the language we know today thanks to the contribution of the various invaders and settlers over the centuries. (modern english dates back to the 16° century and have some greek and latin words) - the celts gave place names like avon, aberdeen and dover. - the romans gave place names like chester, manchester and winchester (from the latin word castra: military camps). - the anglo-saxons spoke a germanic language and called the land englaland: land of the angles. - with the normans, french became the language of aristocracy and words were introduced to supply deficiencies in its vocabulary. administrative, military, legal terms, words dealing with food, fashion and social life. már lengur jefeðigiu desde pencing vujus 66). flug Apr Incande fal opere poft quaran the late my de PRIC jeg felay puhabben gegang Naholyme pops he tra ng women duly fefe d filma me han માં નો gen ဘုရား logoymeno learneo C