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The Celts, The Romans and The Anglo-Saxons







The Celts were a tribe that arrived from northern Germany in 700 BC.
They were a population organized into warrior tribes.
They s


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The Celts were a tribe that arrived from northern Germany in 700 BC.
They were a population organized into warrior tribes.
They s


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THE CELTS: The Celts were a tribe that arrived from northern Germany in 700 BC. They were a population organized into warrior tribes. They settled in Britain gradually between 500 and 100 BC. Almost all of them were fishermen or hunters and worked with metal, also being farmers they invented the iron plough. They usually lived in fortresses built on hillsides that consisted of several wooden houses with thatched roofs. They lived in clans and were quite superstitious and performed various religious ceremonies celebrated by the Druids, the most influential in Celtic society. They did not go to war but were concerned with justice and education. THE ROMANS: The Romans began their real conquest of Britain around 43 AD. They greatly improved the land by building cities with all public services and with networks of paved roads that were used for centuries and which we can still see today, just as we can still see many Roman buildings today in London, which became the central point of the territory and which the Romans called Londinium. The Romans then built a very important monument, Hadrian's Wall, a wall running from the east coast to the west coast between England and Scotland. All for defense and protection. In 409 AD, however, it all came to an end, the Romans had to withdraw...

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their soldiers in order to defend themselves against the barbarians, and so people from Germany and Scandinavia took advantage of this by destroying all the Roman cities in Britain. THE ANGLO-SAXONS During the 6th century, however, the Anglo-Saxons, warlike and illiterate Germanic tribes, arrived in Britain. They had a runic alphabet, i.e. signs that they used to carve inscriptions on stone or iron tablets. Like the Celts, they were farmers and fishermen and fished in the deep sea for whales and seals. They had a great sense of beauty and valued decoration, in fact, they loved drinking and feasting. The fundamental point of society was loyalty, especially towards other members of the clan. Their dialects were the backdrop to the Old English from which the English we all speak today would later develop. They were pagans and worshipped different deities, which is why Christianity disappeared. Therefore Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine, a monk to spread Christianity, and he succeeded. The monasteries became more and more widespread and were important centers of culture, in fact almost everything we know about the Anglo-Saxons today we know from their ecclesiastical history.