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Scopri la Retta Tangente alla Parabola e l'Area del Segmento Parabolico!




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Luciano de Angelis



LA PARABOLA : formulr

Scopri la Retta Tangente alla Parabola e l'Area del Segmento Parabolico!

The document provides a comprehensive overview of parabolas, including their equations, properties, and related concepts like tangent lines and parabolic segments. It covers key formulas, methods for finding tangent lines, and techniques for working with families of parabolas.

• Parabola equations are presented for different orientations and vertex positions
• Tangent line calculations and formulas are explained in detail
• Area of parabolic segments and degenerate parabolas are discussed
• Methods for finding equations of parabola families through given points are provided




Scopri la Retta Tangente alla Parabola e l'Area del Segmento Parabolico!




user profile picture

Luciano de Angelis



LA PARABOLA : formulr

Parabola Families and Special Cases

This page delves into more advanced topics related to parabolas, including degenerate parabolas and families of parabolas. It begins by discussing degenerate parabolas, which occur under special conditions.

Definition: Degenerate parabolas are special cases where the parabola reduces to a line or a point.

The main focus of this page is on fascio di parabole, or families of parabolas. Various methods for finding the equation of a family of parabolas are presented.

Example: To find the equation of a fascio di parabole passante per due punti, use the formula (y - y₁)/(y₂ - y₁) = (x - x₁)/(x₂ - x₁).

The page covers different scenarios for families of parabolas:

  1. Parabolas passing through two given points
  2. Parabolas passing through two distant points
  3. Parabolas tangent to a line at a given point

Highlight: For a fascio di parabole passante per un punto and tangent to a line, use the equation y = ax² + bx + c + k(x - x₀)(y - mx₀ - q), where (x₀, y₀) is the tangent point and y = mx + q is the equation of the tangent line.

These advanced techniques are crucial for solving complex problems involving parabolas and their properties.

Vocabulary: Fascio di parabole - A family or set of parabolas sharing certain properties

The page provides a solid foundation for tackling fasci di parabole esercizi svolti and understanding the relationships between different parabolas in a family.

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Scopri la Retta Tangente alla Parabola e l'Area del Segmento Parabolico!

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Luciano de Angelis



61 Follower


The document provides a comprehensive overview of parabolas, including their equations, properties, and related concepts like tangent lines and parabolic segments. It covers key formulas, methods for finding tangent lines, and techniques for working with families of parabolas.

• Parabola equations are presented for different orientations and vertex positions
• Tangent line calculations and formulas are explained in detail
• Area of parabolic segments and degenerate parabolas are discussed
• Methods for finding equations of parabola families through given points are provided









X√= -b yu= = de
X=ay² + y +c

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Parabola Families and Special Cases

This page delves into more advanced topics related to parabolas, including degenerate parabolas and families of parabolas. It begins by discussing degenerate parabolas, which occur under special conditions.

Definition: Degenerate parabolas are special cases where the parabola reduces to a line or a point.

The main focus of this page is on fascio di parabole, or families of parabolas. Various methods for finding the equation of a family of parabolas are presented.

Example: To find the equation of a fascio di parabole passante per due punti, use the formula (y - y₁)/(y₂ - y₁) = (x - x₁)/(x₂ - x₁).

The page covers different scenarios for families of parabolas:

  1. Parabolas passing through two given points
  2. Parabolas passing through two distant points
  3. Parabolas tangent to a line at a given point

Highlight: For a fascio di parabole passante per un punto and tangent to a line, use the equation y = ax² + bx + c + k(x - x₀)(y - mx₀ - q), where (x₀, y₀) is the tangent point and y = mx + q is the equation of the tangent line.

These advanced techniques are crucial for solving complex problems involving parabolas and their properties.

Vocabulary: Fascio di parabole - A family or set of parabolas sharing certain properties

The page provides a solid foundation for tackling fasci di parabole esercizi svolti and understanding the relationships between different parabolas in a family.

X√= -b yu= = de
X=ay² + y +c

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Parabola Equations and Properties

This page covers the fundamental equations and properties of parabolas. It begins with the standard form of a parabola equation with vertex at the origin and axis coinciding with the y-axis. Various forms of parabola equations are presented, including those parallel to the x-axis and y-axis.

Definition: A parabola is a U-shaped curve defined by a quadratic equation.

The page also introduces key points on a parabola, such as the vertex and focus. Formulas for finding these points are provided.

Vocabulary: Vertex (V) - The turning point of a parabola Vocabulary: Focus (F) - A fixed point used in the geometric definition of a parabola

A significant portion of the page is dedicated to retta tangente alla parabola, or tangent lines to a parabola. The general equation for a family of lines is given as y - y₀ = m(x - x₀), which is used in finding tangent lines.

Highlight: The condition for a line to be tangent to a parabola involves solving an equation and substituting values.

The page concludes with a mention of the formula for splitting, which is used when a point is known to lie on the parabola.

Example: To find the retta tangente alla parabola in un punto, use the splitting formula when the point is known to be on the parabola.

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