

Di piΓΉ

Guida ai Numeri Naturali e Potenze per la Scuola Primaria




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I numeri naturali, relativi e le potenze

Guida ai Numeri Naturali e Potenze per la Scuola Primaria

A comprehensive guide to natural numbers, powers, and integer operations in mathematics, covering fundamental concepts from basic arithmetic to advanced operations with powers and common divisors.

  • Natural numbers (indicated as N) form the foundation of arithmetic, including zero and positive integers
  • Properties of powers include operations with same base or exponent, neutral elements, and special cases
  • Integer operations encompass both positive and negative numbers (Z set), with specific rules for adding concordant and discordant numbers
  • The guide covers massimo comune divisore (GCD) and minimo comune multiplo (LCM) calculations
  • Special attention is given to the properties of operations and their neutral elements



Guida ai Numeri Naturali e Potenze per la Scuola Primaria




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I numeri naturali, relativi e le potenze

Integer Numbers and Operations

This section focuses on relative numbers (integers) and their operations, expanding beyond natural numbers to include negative values.

Definition: The set of integer numbers (Z) includes positive numbers (Z+), negative numbers (Z-), and zero.


  • Opposite numbers: Numbers with different signs but the same absolute value
  • Concordant numbers: Numbers with the same sign
  • Discordant numbers: Numbers with different signs

Example: +8 and +6 are concordant, while -7 and +12 are discordant. -9 and +9 are both discordant and opposite.

Highlight: The sum of two integers follows specific rules based on whether the numbers are concordant or discordant:

  • For concordant numbers: The result maintains their common sign
  • For discordant numbers: The result takes the sign of the number with the larger absolute value

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Guida ai Numeri Naturali e Potenze per la Scuola Primaria

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440 Follower


A comprehensive guide to natural numbers, powers, and integer operations in mathematics, covering fundamental concepts from basic arithmetic to advanced operations with powers and common divisors.

  • Natural numbers (indicated as N) form the foundation of arithmetic, including zero and positive integers
  • Properties of powers include operations with same base or exponent, neutral elements, and special cases
  • Integer operations encompass both positive and negative numbers (Z set), with specific rules for adding concordant and discordant numbers
  • The guide covers massimo comune divisore (GCD) and minimo comune multiplo (LCM) calculations
  • Special attention is given to the properties of operations and their neutral elements








<p>I numeri naturali sono 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… e li indichiamo con l'insieme N. Possono essere rappresentati su una semiretta orientata

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Integer Numbers and Operations

This section focuses on relative numbers (integers) and their operations, expanding beyond natural numbers to include negative values.

Definition: The set of integer numbers (Z) includes positive numbers (Z+), negative numbers (Z-), and zero.


  • Opposite numbers: Numbers with different signs but the same absolute value
  • Concordant numbers: Numbers with the same sign
  • Discordant numbers: Numbers with different signs

Example: +8 and +6 are concordant, while -7 and +12 are discordant. -9 and +9 are both discordant and opposite.

Highlight: The sum of two integers follows specific rules based on whether the numbers are concordant or discordant:

  • For concordant numbers: The result maintains their common sign
  • For discordant numbers: The result takes the sign of the number with the larger absolute value

<p>I numeri naturali sono 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… e li indichiamo con l'insieme N. Possono essere rappresentati su una semiretta orientata

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Natural Numbers and Basic Operations

This section introduces the fundamental concepts of numeri naturali and basic mathematical operations. Natural numbers are defined as the set of counting numbers starting from 0, represented as N = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...}.

Definition: Natural numbers are whole, infinite, and positive numbers that can be represented on an oriented half-line showing their ordered nature.

Highlight: The four basic operations possible with natural numbers are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: Powers are represented as repeated multiplications, such as 3Β³ = 81, where 3 is the base and 3 is the exponent.

The page also covers the properties of operations, including:


  • Zero as the neutral element of addition
  • One as the neutral element of multiplication
  • Zero as the absorbing element of multiplication

The section concludes with an introduction to mcm e m.c.d., defining them as essential concepts for working with natural numbers.

Non c'Γ¨ niente di adatto? Esplorare altre aree tematiche.

Knowunity Γ¨ l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei

Knowunity Γ¨ stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed Γ¨ costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

Ranked #1 Education App


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Knowunity Γ¨ l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei


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