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Schema Declinazioni Latine PDF: Prima, Seconda e Terza Declinazione, Aggettivi Latini e Complementi


Schema Declinazioni Latine PDF: Prima, Seconda e Terza Declinazione, Aggettivi Latini e Complementi
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257 Follower


The document provides a comprehensive overview of Latin declensions, focusing on the prima declinazione Latino and seconda declinazione Latino. It covers noun and adjective declensions, their characteristics, and special cases. The guide is designed to help students understand the intricacies of Latin grammar and improve their language skills.

Key points:

  • Detailed explanations of first and second declensions
  • Coverage of adjective declensions and their agreement with nouns
  • Special cases and exceptions in declensions
  • Examples and tables for easy understanding



First Declension (I Declinazione)

The first page introduces the prima declinazione Latino, which primarily includes feminine nouns and a few masculine ones.

Key features:

  • Nominative singular ends in -a
  • Genitive singular ends in -ae
  • Same declension for both genders

Example: The declension of "sententia, sententiae" (opinion) is provided in a table.

Notable points:

  • Feminine adjectives of the first class follow this declension
  • Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number, and case
  • Some nouns only decline in plural (pluralia tantum)
  • Certain nouns have different meanings in singular and plural

Highlight: The noun "familia" has an archaic genitive form "-as" in some idiomatic expressions (e.g., pater familias).

The page also introduces the seconda declinazione Latino, which includes nouns of all three genders.

Vocabulary: Pluralia tantum - nouns that only exist in plural form.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

Second Declension (II Declinazione)

This page continues the explanation of the seconda declinazione Latino, focusing on masculine and feminine nouns that follow the same declension pattern.

Key points:

  • Declension table for masculine/feminine nouns (e.g., servus, servi)
  • Neuter nouns follow a similar pattern with specific endings for direct cases

Example: Neuter nouns have -um for singular and -a for plural in nominative, accusative, and vocative cases.

The page also introduces nouns ending in -er (and -ir), which are all masculine and follow two models:

  1. Those that retain the -e- before the final -r
  2. Those that lose the -e-

Highlight: The noun "vir, viri" (man) belongs to the second declension and follows a specific pattern.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


First Class Adjectives (Aggettivi della I Classe)

This page focuses on aggettivi prima classe latino, specifically those ending in -us, -a, -um.

Key points:

  • Declension follows patterns of first and second declensions
  • Masculine follows second declension masculine endings
  • Feminine follows first declension endings
  • Neuter follows second declension neuter endings

Example: Declension table for "fidus, -a, -um" (faithful) is provided.

The page also covers the formation of adverbs from first class adjectives:

  • In Latin, add -ē to the adjective stem
  • In Italian, typically add "-mente" to the adjective

Example: Moderatus, -a, -um (moderate) → moderatē (moderately)

Lastly, it introduces first class adjectives ending in -er, -a, -um, which can either retain or lose the -e- in declension.

Highlight: Some adjectives lose the -e- (e.g., pulcher), while others retain it (e.g., asper).

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Second Declension Peculiarities

This page discusses special cases and exceptions in the seconda declinazione Latino.

Notable points:

  • The noun "deus, dei" (god) has multiple declension variants
  • Nouns with -i- before -us or -um may merge two -i's in genitive singular
  • Masculine nouns in -ius and the noun "filius" have vocative singular in -i instead of -e
  • Three neuter nouns have nominative singular in -us: pelagus, virus, vulgus

Vocabulary: Pluralia tantum - nouns that only exist in plural form (also present in the second declension).

Highlight: Some nouns change meaning when used in singular or plural.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo


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Schema Declinazioni Latine PDF: Prima, Seconda e Terza Declinazione, Aggettivi Latini e Complementi

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257 Follower


The document provides a comprehensive overview of Latin declensions, focusing on the prima declinazione Latino and seconda declinazione Latino. It covers noun and adjective declensions, their characteristics, and special cases. The guide is designed to help students understand the intricacies of Latin grammar and improve their language skills.

Key points:

  • Detailed explanations of first and second declensions
  • Coverage of adjective declensions and their agreement with nouns
  • Special cases and exceptions in declensions
  • Examples and tables for easy understanding








First Declension (I Declinazione)

The first page introduces the prima declinazione Latino, which primarily includes feminine nouns and a few masculine ones.

Key features:

  • Nominative singular ends in -a
  • Genitive singular ends in -ae
  • Same declension for both genders

Example: The declension of "sententia, sententiae" (opinion) is provided in a table.

Notable points:

  • Feminine adjectives of the first class follow this declension
  • Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number, and case
  • Some nouns only decline in plural (pluralia tantum)
  • Certain nouns have different meanings in singular and plural

Highlight: The noun "familia" has an archaic genitive form "-as" in some idiomatic expressions (e.g., pater familias).

The page also introduces the seconda declinazione Latino, which includes nouns of all three genders.

Vocabulary: Pluralia tantum - nouns that only exist in plural form.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Second Declension (II Declinazione)

This page continues the explanation of the seconda declinazione Latino, focusing on masculine and feminine nouns that follow the same declension pattern.

Key points:

  • Declension table for masculine/feminine nouns (e.g., servus, servi)
  • Neuter nouns follow a similar pattern with specific endings for direct cases

Example: Neuter nouns have -um for singular and -a for plural in nominative, accusative, and vocative cases.

The page also introduces nouns ending in -er (and -ir), which are all masculine and follow two models:

  1. Those that retain the -e- before the final -r
  2. Those that lose the -e-

Highlight: The noun "vir, viri" (man) belongs to the second declension and follows a specific pattern.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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First Class Adjectives (Aggettivi della I Classe)

This page focuses on aggettivi prima classe latino, specifically those ending in -us, -a, -um.

Key points:

  • Declension follows patterns of first and second declensions
  • Masculine follows second declension masculine endings
  • Feminine follows first declension endings
  • Neuter follows second declension neuter endings

Example: Declension table for "fidus, -a, -um" (faithful) is provided.

The page also covers the formation of adverbs from first class adjectives:

  • In Latin, add -ē to the adjective stem
  • In Italian, typically add "-mente" to the adjective

Example: Moderatus, -a, -um (moderate) → moderatē (moderately)

Lastly, it introduces first class adjectives ending in -er, -a, -um, which can either retain or lose the -e- in declension.

Highlight: Some adjectives lose the -e- (e.g., pulcher), while others retain it (e.g., asper).

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Second Declension Peculiarities

This page discusses special cases and exceptions in the seconda declinazione Latino.

Notable points:

  • The noun "deus, dei" (god) has multiple declension variants
  • Nouns with -i- before -us or -um may merge two -i's in genitive singular
  • Masculine nouns in -ius and the noun "filius" have vocative singular in -i instead of -e
  • Three neuter nouns have nominative singular in -us: pelagus, virus, vulgus

Vocabulary: Pluralia tantum - nouns that only exist in plural form (also present in the second declension).

Highlight: Some nouns change meaning when used in singular or plural.

Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Nomi per lo più femminili e pochi maschili
Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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Declinazione uguale per entrambi i generi.
Caratteristiche: uscita del nominativo

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