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William Wordsworth







William Wordsworth 1770-1850
William Wordsworth • 1770, Lake District
• walking
His hopes for the French Revolution turned to disillusionmen


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William Wordsworth 1770-1850
William Wordsworth • 1770, Lake District
• walking
His hopes for the French Revolution turned to disillusionmen


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William Wordsworth 1770-1850
William Wordsworth • 1770, Lake District
• walking
His hopes for the French Revolution turned to disillusionmen


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William Wordsworth 1770-1850 William Wordsworth • 1770, Lake District • walking His hopes for the French Revolution turned to disillusionmen -> followed five years of depression ↓ WORDSWORTH'S POETRY New type of poetry. L>remained a Hached to this area tour of Italy, the Alps and France ↓ live here for three years to support the French Revolution. He fell in love with a French woman, but later he returned to Eng. he recovered with the help of Coleridge, and after began work on the famous collection, Lyrical Ballads. -> nature themes-> children and childhood. style -> common. -> self-conciousness -> the poet himself became the subject, his thoughts, feelings and emotions. throughout his life becaust because language they were simple presented a liuk with the past ">man should look to nature as his moral and spiritual guide, an inspiration for everyone LETA because, he saw the poet as a phrophet with the role to communicate to as many people as possible in a language. they would understand. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud I STANZA The speaker walks alone, similar to a solitary cloud in the suy floating over valleys. Suddenly, he sees a long row of daffodils near the lake. The trees flutter as they are blown by the breeze. 2 STANZA He compare the daffodils to stars in the sky, because the flowers seem on without ending. The speaker guesses there are tea thousand or so daffodils, and all of...

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Didascalia alternativa:

their heads moving. to до as if they were dancing 3 STANZA near the daffodils, the waves glinting on the bay, but the daffodils seem joyful to the speaker than the waves. The daffodils make him. happy without him kno knowing -more that. 4 STANZA After the experience with the daffodils, the speaker often lies on the couch, and remained only the memory of that imagine. The Solitary Reaper I STANZA This stanza reveals true imagine of pastoral setting. The poet describes a beautiful picture of the nature, where a Highland girl is singing and in the field. She his alone and there is no one to disturb her. This scene makes him happy. reaping 2 STANZA The poet compares the singing of the girl with nightingales and cuckoo-birds.. The nightingales are famous for its singing especially when tired travellers are taking rest in the Arabian desert, and enjoy the music of nightingales but the music of the girl is giving much comfort than nightingales. Poets also compare the of cockoo birds, that sings among songs of is more faraway Hebrides, but the song thrilling. girl the 3 STANZA poet tries to explain the song sung by the solitary reaper, but he is unable to comprehend the of the meaning song.... The poet thinks. that the song is about unhappy incident of the past, or about some familiar matter 4 STANZA The poet watches her singing and using the sickle to do her work. at the same time, and he stay quiet for a long time, without making any kind of movement. When he climbed up the hill, he still remembered the sweet music of the girl's song. = emotion recollected in tranquility.