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When the First World War broke out, thousands of young men volunteered for military service, and most of
them regarded the conflic


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WAR POETS When the First World War broke out, thousands of young men volunteered for military service, and most of them regarded the conflict as an adventure. The loss of human lives on the Western Front, the line of trenches running from northwestern France to Switzerland, was terrible. Life in the trenches was horrible because of the rain and the mud, the decaying bodies and the repeated bomblings and the use of poison gas in warfare. During this period, there was a group of poets who actually experienced the fighting, these are known as the War Poets. RUPERT BROOKE 1887-1915 Rupert Brooke was born in 1887 into a wealthy family, he was educated at Rugby School and then went to King's College in Cambridge. He was a good student and athlete. Brooke actually saw little combat during the war since he contracted blood poisoning and died in 1915. He advanced the idea that war is clean and cleansing He tried to testify to the safeness of war, in which the only thing that can suffer is the body Death is seen as a reward Traditional not only in form, his poems show a sentimental attitude, and is the symbol of the young romantic hero, who inspired patriotism. WILFRED OWEN 1893-1918 Wilfred Owen was working as a teacher of English in...

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France when he decided to return to England. In 1917 he was sent to France and saw his first action, then he was injured and sent to Craiglockhart War Hospital to recover from shell shock. He met Sassoon and read Owen's poems, encouraging him to continue. Owen returned to the front in August 1918 and he was killed. Poems are painful in their accurate accounts of gas casualties He use assonance and alliteration extensively His subject is War, the pity of the war In 1918 he was preparing Disabled and Other Poems for publication, and at time he was writing the preface of the book. SIEGFRIED Sassoon 1886-1967 Siegfried Sassoon was born in a wealthy Jewish family in 1886. He lived a pastoral life and wrote romantic verse, he was the most innocent so his reactions to the realities of the war were bitter and violent.He was sent to Craiglockhart War Hospital, where he met Owen. He used irony and he achieved the bitter spontaneity of shocking and realistic detail He protested publicly against the war, writing a declaration against it which was read out in the House of Commons in 1917. He denounced the political errors and insincerities for which soldiers were sacrificed Isaac ROSENBERG 1890-1918 Isaac Rosenberg was born into a working-class Jewish family, which had some economic difficulties that prevented him from attending Oxford or Cambridge. He was a talented artist, but was killed at the front in 1918. ● Poor backgrounds Modernist in technique His vision of war was unsentimental and less concerned with the pity of things He presented realistic and shocking details, with a touch of irony or paradox and contrast.