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Victorian Age e Oliver Twist







The dawn of the Victorian Age:
The poor Law Amendment Act (1834), had reformed the poor low..
The victonan Work houpen was an institution wh


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The dawn of the Victorian Age:
The poor Law Amendment Act (1834), had reformed the poor low..
The victonan Work houpen was an institution wh


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The dawn of the Victorian Age: The poor Law Amendment Act (1834), had reformed the poor low.. The victonan Work houpen was an institution where the poor received board and lodging in return, for work. People had to Stay theu since they would have shown that they were able to preserv themselves and their family. The poor had to wear uniforms and their families were split.. W. were mainly run by the church and religion was a strong form. These places unfortunately. became institutions wfield be known for their terribles conditions, forced Labour Children, malnutrition.... The most famous novelist of that time, which could describe the realities of the children. in these workhouses was Charles Dickens, with the novel of "Oliver Twist". A COMPLEX AGE: The victorian Age was a time of unprecedent change but also of great contraddictions. It was an age in which progress, reforms and political Stability coexist with poverty and injusties. Modernity was praised but there was a revival of Gothic and Classicism in art. Religion played an important role in the the people's wes, in partiallor encouraged public and created a lot of charituo.. During Victoria's Reign, poetry became more concerned with social reality and was expected to expass the intellectual and mocal debate of the age.. Now the port was seen as...

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Didascalia alternativa:

a prophet and philosopher... DRAMATIC MONOLOGUSE The dramatic monologue is a narrative poem in which a single character may address one or mere Llistners, it's related to the Soliloquy used in Elizabethan plays (Hamlet).. In dramatic monologue the speacking character is different from the port himself, and is caugh. in a crucial moment of unisis. In the dramatic monologue the tone of the language is argumenta tive VICTORIAN NOVEL: The novels were published in a serial form, and made their first apparence in the pages of periodicals. This allowed the writer to fell in constant contact with his public. He was obliged to manten the interest of his story, because one boring instalment este cause the public not to by would the periodical any longer. This was an advantage becover the authce could always, the to its or ・・opisodic structure. anniscent narrator 1 • cronological •Setting: city The novelist desorbed Sporty as they saw it. CLIVER TWIST O.T. first appeared in 1837 and was later published as a book.. O. I. is a poor bay of anoune parents, he was born in a workhasis in a small town. nacrt larch in the early 1800s. His mother diesalmost immediately after his birth and he is brought up in a workhouses in an inhuman way... The boy commits the un pardonable offence of asking for mere food, when Efclese Sothe -parish official offers 5 pounds to anyone willing to take ower an as an apprentice. He is later Sold to an undertaker, but the unhappines he experiences with his new master make him runaway. He want to london, and there he falls into the hands of a gang of young pickpockets. GOCETONN: It's the description of this town which have lost all his eats colores.