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vichinghi, anglosassoni, normanni







Term anglo-Saxon refers to three
Saxons and Jutes
They begin raiding
the Bri


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ANGLO SAXON INVASIONS Term anglo-Saxon refers to three GERMANIC TRIBES: Angle, Saxons and Jutes THE ANGLO-SAXONS- They begin raiding the British coasts around 450 AD Anglo-Saxon society is strongly hierarchical. At the top there is a leader: a tribal chief, a head of a family unit, a king THE SOCIETY The thanes receive land, riches and power in return for their allegiance. Warriors grouped together under a single king or ruler form a comitatus They progressively settle in and push the Celtic tribes into present-day Wales, Scotland, and Ireland THE CULTURE Each leader rules over his thanes, Anglo-Saxon warriors bound to him by loyalty WOMAN: enjoyed considerable nights and opportunities, specially if compared with later eras in history The lifestyle, habits and chores of an Anglo-Saxon woman depended on her social class Anglo-Saxon culture is based on oral literature about heroes and their adventures. Anglo saxons cannot read or write Christian missionaries help preserve Anglo- Saxon culture: they record and transmit Anglo-Saxon literature The Vikings come from Scandinavia VIKING INVASIONS Between 750 and 1050 AD they raid Britain but don't settle in British terrory. They find little resistance At the end of 9th century king Alfred of Wessex organises a fleet and succeed in limiting the incursions NORMAN INVASIONS In 1066, William Duke of Normandy defeats King Harold at the Battle of Hastings The Normans begin the invasion and conquest of England William becomes the first Norman king of England, known as William the Conqueror The Norman Conquest brings a New language and a new culture to England tribubalo Old French becomes the language...

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Didascalia alternativa:

of court, oof governments, of the Church, and of the aristocracy King Alfred is remembered also for his contribution to the diffusion and preservation of Anglo-Saxon culture and language Old English is confined to the lower orders of society, often iliterate and so unable to preserve anything in writing (nierte scritts) Scansionato con CamScanner