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the early Stuart(James I, Charles I) + the Commonwealth (Oliver Cromwell)







James I
King of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth->he is the first Stuart King of England
Brought up as a Protestant, a learned


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James I
King of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth->he is the first Stuart King of England
Brought up as a Protestant, a learned


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James I
King of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth->he is the first Stuart King of England
Brought up as a Protestant, a learned


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THE EARLY STUARTS James I King of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth->he is the first Stuart King of England Brought up as a Protestant, a learned man who wrote treatises in English and Latin but believed in witchcraft. His accession was welcome because it reduced the danger of civil war. He ignored the PARLIAMENT and based his rule in the theory of the "divine right of kings"(he was the representative of God on earth). He joined Scotland to England and Wales->one kingdom called "Great Britain", distinctive flag (Union Jack), common coinage(but 2 Parliaments) The king settled in London. He was so interested in theaters that he wanted Shakespeare's company as the King's Men(and other poets) The Gunpowder Plot He held a conference to sign a peace treaty with Spain (put an end to Spanish claims to the English throne and to English attacks on Spanish ships coming back from America) 1604->he met the representatives of the bishops and the Puritans(extreme Protestants) to try to solve the conflict between them. New translation of the Bible (1611)->one of the masterpieces of English literature. The Catholics were excluded from Hampton Court so a group of them, led by Guy Fawkes, organized the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament on 5th November 1605. The opening of Parliament would have gathered the king, the Privy Council, peers, MPs qbe royal...

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officials but the conspiracy was found out and the plotters were executed. The government encouraged public celebration at the failure of the plot(not persecution against Catholics)-an annual event as BONFIRE NIGHT with fireworks with "guys" figures which are burnt on bonfires. The Church identified "uniformity" with the security of the State(dissent treated as treason). A direct consequence was the emigration of many dissenters to the New World->1620 PILGRIMS FATHERS(religious dissenters who had first taken shelter in Holland, left England for America on the MAYFLOWER and founded Plymouth in Massachusetts) Charles I James's son married the Catholic daughter of the king of France. Like his father, he avoided Parliament(ruled even 11 years without it). The commons were strongly Protestant->this led to the PETITION OF RIGHT (1628), which stated that the king couldn't imprison without trial or impose taxes (high taxes) without the consent of the commons->foundation of all later declarations of civil rights(he dismissed it because he thought he was Kung by divine right) He used his royal prerogative to extend high taxes and needed more and more money to pay his army(rebellion in Scotland)->the short parliament refuses to give him money->elected a new parliament (LONG-PARLIAMENT) it became one of the great institutions of English history(it reflected the change in wealth). The new middle class wanted the king to be subject to parliament (it worked to assert control over the king, passing laws to reduce his powers) 1642->Charles entered the House of Commons to arrest its five most extreme MPs, but they had already escaped->he raised an army of ROYALISTS and declared war->CIVIL WAR THE CIVIL WAR AND THE COMMONWEALTH The two parties 1642-1649->bloody battle(royalists vs parliamentarians) ROYALISTS(cavaliers) PARLIAMENTARIANS(roundheads=they considered long hair sinful and cut theirs short->were different in appearance, ideologies and ways of life) R->concentrated in Wales, Cornwall and the west of England P->city of London, sea ports, eastern England P's army->called New Model Army(stronger because it was made up of profession soldiers (IRONSIDES) and it had cavalry) mainly middle class men(thought that God was on their side) The commander (leader) of P's army->OLIVER CROMWELL (an MP) Charles I was captured and was tried for treason->condemned to death and executed The commonwealth The rump Parliament (the most radical members) abolished the monarchy and declared the republic called COMMONWEALTH. House of lords abolished and introduced censorship. Charles I 's son(Charles II) was the king of Scotland and was defeated by Cromwell (Charles II managed to escape to France) Cromwell gave himself the title of "Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Wales". Theaters were closed down, he banned Christmas and New Easter and replaced them with days of fasting. Cromwell died and his son (Richard) held office for 8 months before the Rump voted to end the protectorate->the army invited Charles II to come back from France and so the monarchy was restored. SINTESI LEZIONE IN CLASSE JAMES 1:(1603-1625) CULTURE translated the Bible for Latin into English (this language of Bible influence literature and English language) Theater (!!!!)(Shakespeare + others) POLITICS + RELIGIOUS Divine right (parliament was unimportant, same for his son) England + Scotland + Wales= one country - Catholics are excluded->GUNPOWDER PLOT CHARLES I(James' son)-> Same idea of his father(parliament unimportant and divine right) • Against Parliament (Protestants and Parliament)=>the COMMONS (majority of Protestants) • He was warm feeling towards Catholics (his wife was Catholic) • Puritans->sitting in the parliament (majority) - Puritans->left England->America (New England) (They had not enough rights, they colonized East coast of America) • Aggressive (enter in parliament)-> the king wanted to impose taxes for war->the parliament -> PETITION OF RIGHTS (respect the magna charta) This led to the CIVIL WAR Ironsides Royalists ->called also cavaliers-> payed soldiers Parliamentarians->middle class->roundheads (different hairstyle with short hair and black dresses)->London, sea ports (trade), east England-> Fight for an idea(they were convinced that god was with them) REPUBLIC->commonwealth (translated into English the word "republic" from Latin ( Res pública)) Charles I -> captured and arrested->trial, process, judged->accused for treason-> he refuses to answer (the judges were commons so Protestants)-> only God can ask why(they had no right) OLIVER CROMWELL -> leader of civil war-> he wants Charles to be killed ->Kung subject to the law(not divine right)-> public execution