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The Celts, the Romans and the Anglo-Saxons







Around 700 BC the Celts began to arrive from northwest Germany and gradually settled in
the country between 500 and 100 BC. They w


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THE CELTS Around 700 BC the Celts began to arrive from northwest Germany and gradually settled in the country between 500 and 100 BC. They were hunters, fishermen and metal workers, in fact they introduced the iron plough. The Celts built hill forts on top of hills surrounded by banks and ditches. The people lived in huts made of wood and the basic unit of Celtic life was the clan. The Celts worshiped the natural elements like the sun, the moon and water. They held their religious ceremonies in the woods and near the water. These rites were performed by the Druids. The Druids were priests, administered justice and educated the young. The Celtic women were equal to men. THE ROMANS Julius Caesar led a Roman invasion of Britain in 55-54 BC but the country was conquered until 43-47 AD under Emperor Claudius. The Romans built over 9,600 kilometers of paved roads in Britain. The Romans built the first "London Bridge" on the River Thames and the most important monument was Hadrian's Wall. Roman control of Britain ended in 409 AD as soldiers were withdrawn to defend Roma against the Barbarians raiders. In the 5th the Anglo-Saxon people destroyed the Romans' British towns. THE ANLO-SAXONS The Angles, Saxons and Jutes - known collectively as the Anglo-Saxons - were Germanic tribes who...

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arrived of the 5th and 6th centuries. They used a runic alphabet (composed by mysterious characters) and they use it for carving inscriptions on stone or metals. The Anglo-Saxons were farmers and deep-sea fishermen and they lived in wooden houses. Their society was founded on loyalty to the family or clans. Their dialects evolved over time and together became known as Old English, the base for Modern English. At first the Anglo-Saxons worshipped different gods but Pope Gregory I sent a monk, Augustine, to bring Christianity back to England and several monasteries were built. The word "England" comes from the name "Angel-Lans" (the root name oro England).