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tabella verbi inglesi







Sogg. + verbo
verbo +-S alla 3ª pers. sing.
DO/DOES + Sogg. + verbo...?
To talk about habits, daily routine


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Sogg. + verbo
verbo +-S alla 3ª pers. sing.
DO/DOES + Sogg. + verbo...?
To talk about habits, daily routine


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PRESENT SIMPLE Sogg. + verbo PRESENTE verbo +-S alla 3ª pers. sing. DO/DOES + Sogg. + verbo...? To talk about habits, daily routine always, usually, often, sometimes, never, ever, rarely, .. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Sogg. + vb essere + ING [am/is/are] vb essere + Sogg. + ING...? To talk about actions sb is doing in this moment or to talk about what is going on in this moment at the moment, now, in this moment/period/year/month/week/... PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Sogg. + vb avere + part. pass. (3ª col. o + -ED) [has/have] vb avere + Sogg. + part. pass. to talk about actions that happened in the past but without any time expressions ex. It has been an accident! / Have you ever been to the USA? To talk about past actions that still have consequences nowadays ex. I've lived in Italy since 2012 to talk about something that has happened recently focus on the action/event without saying when exactly it happened. already, just, yet, never, ever, recently, up to now, so far, in my life, ... times, ..., FOR/SINCE PAST SIMPLE PASSATO Sogg. + vb + -ED o 2ª colonna DID + Sogg. + vb ...? To talk about past events, already finished yesterday, ... ago, last ... PAST CONTINUOUS Sogg. + vb essere + ING [was / were] vb essere + Sogg. + ING Sogg. + vb avere + part. pass. (3ª col. o + -ED) [had] vb avere + Sogg....

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Knowunity è l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei

Knowunity è stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed è costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

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Knowunity è l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei


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Adoro questa applicazione [...] consiglio Knowunity a tutti!!! Sono passato da un 5 a una 8 con questa app

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L'applicazione è molto semplice e ben progettata. Finora ho sempre trovato quello che stavo cercando

Susanna, utente iOS

Adoro questa app ❤️, la uso praticamente sempre quando studio.

Didascalia alternativa:

+ part. pass. - to talk about an event that happend before the action expressed with the Past Simple - to talk about the earliest action of two or more events. - to talk about sth that happened BEFORE THE PAST SIMPLE ex. I missed the train because I had forgotten to set my alarm clock. FUTURO already, just, yet, never, ever, recently, up to now, so far, in my life, ... times, ..., FOR/SINCE FUTURE SIMPLE To talk about actions sb was doing in that moment To plan holidays, arrangements, meetings or to talk about what was going on in a certain moment in the past in that moment, in that period/ year/ month/.. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE Sogg. + vb presente (3ª pers. sing + -S) DO / DOES + Sogg. + vb ...? (timetables.+, habits, routine) FUTURE for PLANS Sogg. + vb essere + ING [am/is/are] vb essere + Sogg. + ING...? next..., on 23rd June, at 13:45, ... TO BE GOING TO Sogg + [am/is/are] + going to + vb [am/is/are] + Sogg. + going to + vb ..? - to talk about intentions, decisions or plans you have already made ex. I'm going to study abroad next year. - predictions based on what you can see ex. the baby is going to fall down. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Sogg. + vb avere + been + ING vb avere + Sogg. + been + ING - to talk about actions which started in the past and continue into the present - events which lasted for some time (and may continue to the preesent) > I can see the results of these events/actions ex. I'm tired because I've been cooking all day SINCE/FOR PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS Sogg. + vb avere + been + ING vb avere + Sogg. + been + ING Si usa con: FOR / SINCE - to talk about actions which started in the past and were earlier than the action expressed with the past simple events which lasted for some time (and may continue) > I can see the results of these events/actions in the past ex. Yesterday, I was tired because I had been painting all day FOR/SINCE WILL-WON'T Sogg.+ WILL/ WON'T + vb WILL/WON'T + Sogg. + vb... ? Predictions, weather forecast for decisions taken in the moment of speaking - sudden decisions opinions, feelings or experiences (think, hope, afraid, expect,...) A promise, a threat or an offer probably, perhaps, maybe