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romantic poets







Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry
At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of
poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional


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Romantic poetry At end of 18 and beginning of 19 ceuntry born a new style of poetry: Romanticism that need to give expression to emotional experience and individual feeling. the immagination have a primary role in the process of poetic composition. thanks to the eyes of the immagination, Romantic poets could see beyond surface reality and Discover a truth beyond the power of reason THE FIGURE OF THE CHILD In this period the poets Have an interest to the chilhood that was considered a temporary state, a necessary stage in the process leading to adulthood, the child was also more purer than adult because he was unspoilt by civilisation. this tipe of poets was divided in 2 First Generation william wordsworth and Samuel taylor and are many interessant for the reader because write about beauty of nature and ordinary things. ● group's •Second generation byrond shelley, Keats, this generation was characterised by political disillusionment witch reflected into theyr poetry : Jane quaten life and works was born in 1775 and start to stady at home. Jane Austen was a master of the novel of manners she IS sixth seventh children, for all his life she stay with the little circle his family. She changed her house many thimes, the firsth wen died his father the novel of manners explore characters of personal relationship and class distintion Her style was caratterized by ose of Irony situation a...

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Didascalia alternativa:

part of Her style was the Happy ending that was the "the Hero and Heroine. of use times private reflection many Pride and Prejudice is a romantic commedy, tolk about 2 yung lovers In a small village: Hertfodshild Ms an Ar bennet live with their five dougthers. merriage "A man Chares Bingley fall in love with Jane bennet, and his Best friend Darcy Jeel attracted by Elizabeth bennet. wen Daray say his love for Elizabeth, but Elizabeth don't like Darcy because was shobbish but the two peopol have different social position and Elizabeth accused Him of separeting Her sister and Bingley in the same times lidya' and Winkerman (a relatives of Darcy) run Away but daray Find their and convinced they to marryage to Elizabeth that after try afther this Davay Dany agad died "for her sister acept the marriage адачи, wath caracter: Elizabeth have a strong sense of indipendence and refuces the rules tath his family or people try to impose Her Daray is self-credent and ansocial STYLE: Epistoracy (link of letters) third-person narration IRONY John keuts life and works John Keats was Romantic poets, he died yung. a He is Romantic and is in love with the Middle Age period from the greek civilization. His concept of writer was caratterized by Romantic Passion and Cold Neoclassicism. Greatest of the group of second generation of Keats was born in london in 1795 in a Modest family he study in a private school Keats start to be frient at the poets and Artist of the period (included Mary shelly and percy) Keats lost for deth his father and his brother. After the brother deth (for tubercolbei) Jell in love with Fanny Brawne Keats write a series of poems: st Agns • the ave • la belle Dame sans Merci • the grate odes In 1828 the tubercolosi arrive also for Keats was ricovered in (Rome) were he died Keats poetry He use the pronoum "1" that is universal and NOT INDIVIDUAL for Him Immagination is very important and this made Him a Romantic writer (poetry came from immagination) italy Mery shelley scents was influenced by the french revolution wase born 1797, both is parents and were part small radical which group letters Important men of he write frankestein frankestein in 1816 which was published in 1818 was philosophical Romance an Gotich/Dark story tale: frankestein is a Romantic version of the dream of creation an artificial life in the story there are a interest in the effects of science on uman because the monster was build by pices of many of the individual by the is told in 1 person by the 1 was anoni deth man in the story we can see a process of emotional lenguage and an atmosphere of suspence and Danger is different by the other gotich story because is a Dark story mixed whit Science. Frankestein was created to be symbol of the isolation a by 3 English Explorer nonimusly society different point of view an 2 by Dr Prankestine 3 the monster the different poin of view let us understand the different single prospective was an Epistoraly story (scambio di lettere "letters") villa diorati William blake. LIFE AND WORKS William was born in london in 1757 his origin as poor, and He remained poor for all his life, he was an engraver (incisore) wen he was a boy, after finish his apprendship he start the study from the Accademy of Arts, as a painter, he belive in the power of immagination. He witnessed (si rese conto) the evil effect of industrial deveploment of man's sove and come to belive that the artist soul Have a new role as the guardian of spirit and immagination. Blake has a strong sense of religion, the most important litteraly influence in His life was the bible. He mix Art and poetic text. SONG OF INNOCENCE song of innocence was produced befor the outbrake of the Arance revolution, the narration is a shaperd (pastore) the poem folk about chilhood that is the simbol of innocence (Romantic characteristic) the chilhood is connected with the happines, freedom and immagination, the lenguage is Simple and musical SONG OF EXPIRIENCE was produced during the period of terror in France and is the counterpart (controparte) of song of innocence. the visual word of the collection was more complex and pessimistic view of life, some part are so wonical and talk about adulthood and His experience Blake considered immagination a Divine Vision for see more beyond the matereal reality in to the life of things are olso inferessed to social and political problem of his time he supported the principe of Frence Revolution and belive in revolution, for Him the violence is necessary from the redemption of the men. He focus His actention olso from the evil consequence of Frence Revolution In His poems simphatysed with the victims of industrial society STILE Use a Simple lenguage and an original use of simbolism • the ● the father and Crist