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Verbi Modali in Inglese: Schema, Esercizi e Mappa Concettuale PDF







<p>Modal verbs correspond to our:</p>
<h2 id="generalcharacteristics">


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<p>Modal verbs correspond to our:</p>
<h2 id="generalcharacteristics">


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Modal verbs correspond to our:

  • Ability
  • Willingness
  • Obligation

General Characteristics

  • They are always followed by the infinitive without "to"
  • Ex: I can swim…
  • The "s" is not present in the third person singular
  • Ex: she/he must go…
  • In the negative form, "not" is added after the modal
  • Ex: you can not (can't)…
  • In the interrogative form, the modal precedes the subject
  • Ex: May you smoke…

Ability (Potere)

  • can (could) [Informal]
  • May (might) [Formal]
  • Ex:
    • You can go to the cinema with Luca
    • You can't go out today
    • Can I go to the toilet, please?

Obligation (Dovere)

  • must (ordini/obblighi/rihieste non have sentite in prima persona)
  • Let's (1ª persona plurale dell'imperativo)
  • Shall (interrogative con la 1ª persona singolare e plurale)
  • Ex:
    • You must be quiet during the lesson
    • You mustn't talk during the test
    • Must I finish this work?
    • The teacher said that you have to read this book for next week
    • Let's go to the cinema
    • Shall we go to the restaurant?

Willingness (Volere)

  • will (e WOULD=>condizionale)
  • want
  • Ex:
    • I want to help you
    • I don't want to stay at home
    • Do you want a cup of coffee?
    • Would you like…?
    • Will you have…?

Riassunto - Inglese

  • Modal verbs in English have general characteristics such as always being followed by the infinitive without "to" and not having an "s" in the third person singular.
  • They can express ability, obligation, and willingness.
  • Ability is expressed using "can" and "may," showing the ability to do something.
  • Obligation is expressed using "must," "let's," and "shall," indicating orders, obligations, and interrogative forms.
  • Willingness is expressed using "will" and "want," showing desires and conditional forms.
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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What are the general characteristics of modal verbs?

A: Modal verbs are always followed by the infinitive without 'to', the 's' is not present in the third person singular, in the negative form, 'not' is added after the modal, and in the interrogative form, the modal precedes the subject.

Q: What are the modal verbs used to express ability in English?

A: The modal verbs used to express ability in English are can (could) [Informal] and may (might) [Formal].

Q: Which modal verbs are used to express obligation in English?

A: The modal verbs used to express obligation in English are must (ordini/obblighi/rihieste non have sentite in prima persona), let's (1ª persona plurale dell'imperativo), and shall (interrogative con la 1ª persona singolare e plurale).

Q: What modal verbs are used to express willingness in English?

A: The modal verbs used to express willingness in English are will (e WOULD=>condizionale) and want.

Q: How are modal verbs used in English sentences?

A: Modal verbs are used to indicate ability, willingness, and obligation. They are always followed by the infinitive without 'to', and the 's' is not present in the third person singular. They can also be used in the negative form, with 'not' added after the modal, and in the interrogative form, with the modal preceding the subject.

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