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John Milton







Joyha Miltan
John Milton is the most important poet of the puritan age.
He had a rebellious character, indeed he was a rebel against th


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Joyha Miltan LIFE John Milton is the most important poet of the puritan age. He had a rebellious character, indeed he was a rebel against the political authority of the king and the religious authority of the church of England. He opposed to the tyranny. But when in 1658 cromwell died and the Puritan power ended, john was forced to hide himself because The monarchy was restored. After a general was issued, he reappeared but was arrested. Thanks to the help of his friends, he returned home. In this period John Milton began to lose his sight and to write his best poems. Milton died on 8 November 1674. POLITIC During the civil war he was actively engaged in the religious debate of the time on the side of the puritans. He supported cromwell but also spoke out for the liberty. Milton was convinced that a republic, rather than a monarchy, offered ideal conditions for independent religion. PERIODS 1st period. --> devoted to study, creation of italian poems: - L'Allegro and Il Penseroso (1631)= example from Petrarch, - Pro populo Anglicano Defensio (1651) = he defended the execution of charles I + supported cromwell (puritans). 2nd period --> political pamphlets and prose works defending: 1. religious 2. civil and domestic liberties 3. freedom of the press. - Areopagitica = he defended freedom...

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of speech against the puritans who had reimposed censorship. Milton was convinced that truth could be achieved only through open discussion of ideas. only tyrannies, he maintained, used censorship. 3rd period --> poet's blindness and poverty. - Paradise Lost (1667) = retelling of the story of the BOOK OF Genesis, divine drama of the rebellion and fall of the angels led by satan and the human drama of the fall of man, represented by Adam and Eve.