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Jane Austen e Pride and Prejudice







Jane Austen
1775 born in Hampshire, England
started writing at a very young age
1817 died
first female
professional writer
the role and


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Jane Austen BIO 1775 born in Hampshire, England started writing at a very young age 1817 died first female professional writer the role and position of women in society Social analyses of the Brihsh middle class and country gentry themes Pride and Prejudice PLOT Mr and Mrs Bennet have five daughters who are looking for a husband Mr Darcy meets Elizabeth, one of the daughters, and falls in love with her - She rejects him because he appears. to be too proud of himself. - after getting to know each other better, they get married. Imany were published Canonymously MAIN WORKS Sense and Sensibility (1811) Pride and Prejudice (1813) Emma (1815) Persuasion (1818) the relationship between love and marriage MICRO COSM novels are set in closed communities and with a umited amount of characters THEMES confuct ict between pride (Darcy) and prejudice (Elizabeth) characters evolve and overcome their confuct soual boundaries between characters I class consciousness. women's conditions → no independence, their only puture. is given by marriage

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