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Jane Austen







Jane Austen
Main works:
Society in her time:
Style and themes:
she lived a quiet and uneventful life in
she never married an


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Jane Austen Life: Main works: Society in her time: Style and themes: she lived a quiet and uneventful life in Hampshire she never married and spent her time between domestic duties and writing novels when she started writing, there was a war between England and France her main interest was people and their relationships Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice there were great differences between the social classes polished and elegant style, which is characterised by wit, irony, and well structured sentences she dealed with important social matters she gave more importance to feelings and passion her novels are a balance between reason and feelings Presented with xmind but she choosed to focus her attention on the psychological and social aspects of Uk example of novel of manners aristocracy gentry such as role of money, property and marriage were in a society woman had little or no economic power. at the top of the social class, owning lands and estates that were passed generation to generation so they didn't have to work to earn a living their main occupations were going to parties, giving balls and arranging marriages in J.A. time aristocracy keep a distance from people who belonged to other social classes, considering them inferior below the aristocracy, owned lands but they weren't as wealthy as the aristocracy most of J.A. characters belong to his social class

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