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Futuro in Inglese: Esempi e Schema facili da capire







<h2 id="futuresimplewill">Future Simple: Will</h2>
<h3 id="usage">Usage</h3>
<p>The future simple, also known as "will," is used for predic


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<h2 id="futuresimplewill">Future Simple: Will</h2>
<h3 id="usage">Usage</h3>
<p>The future simple, also known as "will," is used for predic


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<h2 id="futuresimplewill">Future Simple: Will</h2>
<h3 id="usage">Usage</h3>
<p>The future simple, also known as "will," is used for predic


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Future Simple: Will


The future simple, also known as "will," is used for predictions based on opinions or to talk about certain events, make proposals, make promises, or offer to do something.

Negative Form

To form the negative of the future simple, use "will not" or "won't" followed by the base form of the verb.

Affirmative Form

Use "will" followed by the base form of the verb to make an affirmative sentence.

Interrogative Form

To form a question with the future simple, start with "will" and then the subject, followed by the base form of the verb.

Be Going To


"Be going to" is used for future intentions or plans and for making evident predictions.

Affirmative Form

To form an affirmative sentence with "be going to," use the subject followed by the form of "to be" that matches the subject and the base form of the main verb.

Negative Form

To form the negative of "be going to," use the form of "to be" that matches the subject and "not," followed by the base form of the main verb.

Interrogative Form

When forming a question with "be going to," start with the form of "to be" that matches the subject, followed by the subject and the base form of the main verb.

Future Continuous


The future continuous tense is used to make suppositions, ask for polite information about the future, or talk about continuous events that will happen in the future.

Affirmative Form

To form an affirmative sentence in the future continuous, use "will be" followed by the present participle of the main verb.

Negative Form

To form the negative of the future continuous, use "will not be" or "won't be" followed by the present participle of the main verb.

Interrogative Form

When forming a question in the future continuous, start with "will" and then the subject, followed by "be" and the present participle of the main verb.

In conclusion, the future tenses in English, including future simple (will), be going to, and future continuous, are used to express different kinds of future actions, plans, and intentions. Each of these tenses has specific uses and forms, and gaining a good understanding of them is essential for communicating effectively in English.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • The future tenses in English include future simple (will), be going to, and future continuous
  • Future simple (will) is used for predictions, proposals, promises, and offers
  • Be going to is used for future intentions or plans and making predictions
  • Future continuous is used for suppositions, polite information about the future, and continuous events
  • Understanding these tenses is essential for effective communication in English

For more helpful resources on futuro in inglese schema and futuro in inglese esempi, download the PDF with future predictions examples and exercises on how to use will in inglese.

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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What is the usage of the future simple tense (will)?

A: The future simple, or 'will,' is used for predictions based on opinions, talking about certain events, making proposals, promises, or offering to do something.

Q: How do you form the negative of the future simple tense?

A: To form the negative of the future simple, use 'will not' or 'won't' followed by the base form of the verb.

Q: What is the affirmative form of 'be going to'?

A: To form an affirmative sentence with 'be going to,' use the subject followed by the form of 'to be' that matches the subject and the base form of the main verb.

Q: When is the future continuous tense used?

A: The future continuous tense is used to make suppositions, ask for polite information about the future, or talk about continuous events that will happen in the future.

Q: What are the forms for forming an interrogative sentence in the future continuous?

A: To form a question in the future continuous, start with 'will' and then the subject, followed by 'be' and the present participle of the main verb.

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