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Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese e Verbi Modali PDF
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Tutti i Tempi Verbali in Inglese e Verbi Modali PDF





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The Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses are fundamental in English grammar, with the Present Simple used for habitual actions and general truths, while the Present Continuous describes ongoing actions. The Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous tenses connect past actions to the present, with the former focusing on completed actions and the latter on ongoing actions. Past tenses include Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect Continuous, each serving different purposes in narrating past events. The document also mentions 'used to', 'would', and 'be/get used to' for expressing past habits and adaptations. Adverbs of frequency, time expressions, and reflexive pronouns are briefly noted.



English Verb Tenses and Grammar Structures

This page provides a comprehensive overview of various tempi verbali inglese (English verb tenses) and related grammatical structures. It serves as a verbi in inglese tabella (table of English verbs) and a specchietto tempi verbali inglese (summary of English verb tenses).

Present Tenses

Present Simple

The Present Simple is used for actions in the present, typically habitual actions or general truths.

Example: I go to school every day.

Present Continuous

This tense describes actions in progress at the present moment.

Example: I am studying English right now.

Present Perfect

The Present Perfect is used for unfinished actions in the past with a connection to the present.

Highlight: Key words often used with this tense include: just, already, yet, never, ever, still.

Present Perfect Continuous

This tense is used for unfinished actions that started in the past and continue into the present.

Example: I have been learning English for two years.

Past Tenses

Past Simple

Used for completed actions in the past.

Example: I went to the cinema yesterday.

Past Continuous

Describes actions in progress at a specific time in the past.

Example: I was watching TV when the phone rang.

Past Perfect

Used for past actions that occurred before another past action.

Highlight: Often used with words like just, already, after, before, by the time.

Past Perfect Continuous

Describes a past action in progress that continued up to a certain point in the past.

Example: I had been studying for three hours when my friend arrived.

Other Structures

  • Used to: Expresses habitual actions in the past that no longer occur.
  • Would: Used for repeated past actions (not with stative verbs).
  • Be used to: Means "to be accustomed to".
  • Get used to: Describes the process of becoming accustomed to something.

Vocabulary: Reflexive Pronouns - myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

The page also mentions time expressions like "for" (used with periods of time) and "since" (used with a starting point), which are crucial for present perfect continuous esempi (examples of present perfect continuous).

• Present Simple
action in the present
• Present Continuous → action in progress
Present Perfect
• Present Perfect Continuous


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