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Future perfect and continuous







•going to be + going to + base form
never alter
Ex. I am going to catch the last train
She is going to buy her a present


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•going to be + going to + base form
never alter
Ex. I am going to catch the last train
She is going to buy her a present


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FUTURE •going to be + going to + base form never alter Ex. I am going to catch the last train She is going to buy her a present NEGATIVE → she is not going to buy her a present QUESTIONS → who is going to look after the baby? For most of the sentences that have a FUTURE meaning 2 Events initiated before Now, so events that have been thought about, mentioned, deaded 3. Talking about imminent events based on evidence in the present you can see) Ex. It is going to ram. I'm going to be sick. •WILL→ modal verb so it never change form AFFIRMATIVE → I will call you tomorrow D →Ex. she is going to buy that Ferran NEGATIVE → They won't finding the treasure QUESTIONS will he arrive before lunch? FUTURE CONTINUOUS SUBJ + will be + ing parlare di un azione che sarà in corso di svolgimento nel futuro x proiettarsi nel futuro Ex: By Christmas I will be skiing like a pro x fare supposizioni su ciò che accadrà nel futuro x parlare di avvenimenti continuation che si prevede che si verificheranno nel futuro FUTURE PERFECT SUBJ + will have + p. participle WON'T have x esprimere in azione completa nel futuro 'Si usa molto spesso con espression Di tempo Ex: I will have been here for six moths on June 23rd -b 2.a FORMULA A...

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L'applicazione è molto semplice e ben progettata. Finora ho sempre trovato quello che stavo cercando

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Adoro questa app ❤️, la uso praticamente sempre quando studio.

Didascalia alternativa:

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