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From Charles I to the Commonwealth







Charles I
He was James's som (Stuart)
Married to Henrietta Maria (Catholic daughter
of the King of France).
• He believed in the divine righ


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Charles I
He was James's som (Stuart)
Married to Henrietta Maria (Catholic daughter
of the King of France).
• He believed in the divine righ


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Charles I He was James's som (Stuart) Married to Henrietta Maria (Catholic daughter of the King of France). • He believed in the divine right of kings → he wanted to rule without the Parliament. After 15 years ge avoiding it, he needed money (war against Spain) but couldn't ask for it more than once a year.. The House of commons was Protestant → they didn't want to raise money for the king and they were suspicious of his Catholie inference. This led to: 1628 Petition of Rights = the king couldn't: 1 imprison anyone without a trial 2. impose taxes without the Commons' consent. 1640 → the king asked money to the Shott Parliament Comly easted 3 weeks) to pay his army to fight a rebellion in Scotland, but the Parliament refused to give him anything •The Long Parliament was elected Clasted 20 years): this determined the rising of the middee class (small landowners, merchants and professionals) the long parliament tried to reduce the power of the king. 1642 Charles entered the House of Commons to arrest 5 most extreme MPS (Members ge Parliament) but when he overived they had already escaped. •The Civil War started the same year, between: the Royalists (supported by the king) the Parliamentariaus (Parliament's are my) ↳ they were also known as Roundheads because they used to shave their head. After many bloody wars, the king was executed...

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in 1649 and sentenced to death guilty of trying to maintain tyzanical power to ciile according to his will + ignore the civil rights of the people. Engeand became a Republic, known as the Commonwealth. 1653 Oliver Cromwell was appointed lood protector of Engeand, Scotland and Steland. He reorganised the mavy and he followed a merchantilist policy. His domestic policies were unpopular because taxes were high and his reforms were considered oppressive. After his death there was a wide spreaded discontent among the population → Charles I because the new king and the momovechy was restored.