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Daniel Defoe







Daniel Defoe
Writers began to write to please a public of middle- and upper-
class people who wanted to read about their own problems and


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Daniel Defoe
Writers began to write to please a public of middle- and upper-
class people who wanted to read about their own problems and


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Daniel Defoe Writers began to write to please a public of middle- and upper- class people who wanted to read about their own problems and individual experiences. The novel became more and more a picture of real life and came to be defined as 'realistic'. A new type of 'hero' developed - practical, self-made and self- reliant, guided by common sense. Greater importance was given to bourgeois values, such as money and the improvement of one's social status. Daniel Defoe was the first novelist to create this new type of fiction. Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 into a family of Dissenters. He started to write in Whig papers. As a journalist his greatest achievement was 'The Review'. He became a famous and well-paid intellectual by writing political essays and pamphlets up till the reign of Queen Anne. The queen did not like his critical attitude and had him arrested. In order to regain his freedom he denied his Whig ideas and became a secret agent for the new government. When he was about sixty, he started to write novels which were very successful. In 1719 he published his first novel Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe died in 1731. Robinson Crusoe The story Robinson Crusoe consists of three separate sections. The first section tells how Robinson leaves his family when he is nineteen and...

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goes to sea to make his fortune. After several adventures, he lands in Brazil, where he starts a successful plantation. One day he is shipwrecked on a remote island. The second section is actually in the form of a diary-like account of Robinson's experiences on the island. In the third section Robinson returns to England, where he learns that his plantation in Brazil has made him rich. The new middle-class hero Robinson Crusoe belongs to the middle class 'the middle state'. What Robinson has in common with the classical heroes of travel literature is his restlessness, the search for his own identity in alternative to the model provided by his father. A spiritual autobiography The novel is full of religious references to God, sin, Providence and salvation. It can be read as a spiritual autobiography in which the hero reads the Bible to find comfort and guidance. What Defoe explores is the conflict between economic motivation and spiritual salvation. The island The setting of most of the story is the ideal place for Robinson to prove his qualities. On the island Robinson organises a primitive empire. His stay on the island is seen as a chance to exploit and dominate nature. The individual and society The hero's life on the island puts forward the issue of the relationship between the individual and society. The society Robinson creates on the island is not an alternative to the English one. Defoe shows that the individual can shape his destiny through action, Robinson has a pragmatic and individualistic outlook.