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Charles Dickens







Charles Dickens life
Born in Portsmouthim 1812
Unhappy childhood he had to work in a factory at age of 12.


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Charles Dickens life
Born in Portsmouthim 1812
Unhappy childhood he had to work in a factory at age of 12.


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Charles Dickens life
Born in Portsmouthim 1812
Unhappy childhood he had to work in a factory at age of 12.


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Charles Dickens life
Born in Portsmouthim 1812
Unhappy childhood he had to work in a factory at age of 12.


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CHARLES DICKENS Charles Dickens life Born in Portsmouthim 1812 Unhappy childhood he had to work in a factory at age of 12. HIS FATHER WENT TO PRISON FOR DEBTS] He became a NEWSPAPER REPORTER with the pen name Boz. 1836 → Sketches by Boz article about and on people and scones • Oliver Twist (1838); David Copperfield (1849-50); Little Dorcit (1857) Hard Times (1854), Great expectations (1860-61) set against the background of Social issues. ► Busy editor of magazines. Died in 1870 in London (buried im Westminster Abbey) OLIVER TWIST (1837-39) The protagonist, Oliver Twist, is always innocent and pure and remains incorruptible throughout the novel. At the end he is saved from a life of villany by a well-to-do family The setting is London DICKENS ATTACKED. a the social evils of his times such as poot houses, unjust couets and the undeaworld. b the world of workhouses foumbled upon the idea that poverty. pigrizia was a consequence of laziness c. the officials of the workhouses because they abused the lights of the poor as individuals and caused them further misery. ulteriore LONDON UFE Childhood in the Victorian age was very difficuet because poor chiedon had to work in factories or mines, or as domestic servants and chimmey Sweeps, but a lot of them became caminals. Thanks to the Ten Hours Act working hours were limited to day, so their...

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conditions improved a little. Literature described very well the hard situation of childhood in a sentimental way,. ton a Dickens presented children as innocent and coccupted by adults, he made a critique of the oppression of the world of adults with a nostalgia for childhood's immocence. THE STORY OF OLIVER TWIST Oliver Twist is a poce boy of unknown parents who is first brought up in a workhouse and later sold to an undertaker as an apprentice! but he escapes to London due to the owvelty of his master. He falls into a young group of pickpockets who try to make him a thief, but he's helped by an old gentleman. Oliver is kidnapped by the gang, and obliged to commit burglary, but he's shot and wounded. Then he's adopted by a middle-class family who gives him affect and kindness... It's discovered that the boy has noble origins, the gang of thieves was paid by Oliver's half brother in order to ruin Oriver and have his father's property all for himself, but they're arrested in the end... COKETOWN -Charles Dickens. THIS PASSAGE DESCRIBES THE INDUSTRIAL CENTRE OF COKETOWN AS A TOWN OF RED AND BLACK BRICKS LIKE THE PAINTED PACE OF A SAWAGE. •THERE ARE A LOT OF MACHINERY AND TALL CHIMNEYS THAT EMANATE SNAKES OF SMOKE; THERE IS A PURPLE RIVER WITH ILL-SHELLING DYE, A LOT OF BUILDINGS FULL OF WINDOWS WITH A RATTLING AND TREMBLING ALL DAY LONG, THE PISTON OF THE STEAM-ENGINE THAT WORKS UP AND DOWN LIKE THE HEAD OF AN ELEPHANT CHARACTERISED BY A MELANCHOLY MADNESS. THERE ARE LARGE STREETS AND SMALL STREETS LIKE ONE ANOTHER PEOPLE LIKE ONE ANOTHER WHO GO IN AND OUT AT THE SAME HOURS AND DO THE SAME WORK FOR THEM EVERY DAY IS LIKE ONE ANOTHER. OF THE MEMBERS OF A RELIGIOUS PERSUASION BUILT A CHAPEL THERE THEY MADE IT A WAREHOUSE OF RED BRICK, EXCEPT THE NEW CHURCH, WHICH WAS A STUCCIOED ENFICE WITH A SQUARE STEEPLE.. •PUBLIC INSCRIPTIONS WERE POINTED ALIKE IN BLACK AND WHITE. •FACT WAS EVERYWHERE IN THE MATERIAL AND IMMATERIAL ASPECT OF THE TOWN, THE M'CHOAKUMCHILD SCHOOL WAS ALL FACT, LIKE THE SCHOOL OF DESIGN, THE RELATION BETWEEN MASTER AND MAN AND EVERYTHING BETWEEN THE LYING-IN HOSPITAL AND THE CEMETERY COKETOWN Coketown is a town of red bricks, blackened by smoke and ash. There are a lot of machimery and fall chimneys emitting Smoke constantly. It had a black canal and a purple aver, because of the discharge and the pollution. In this town there was momotony: houses, streets were all the same, and also peope were doing the same jobs and the same things. So is a town in which all of the buildings are so much alike that one can't distinguish the jail from the infirmary without reading the mames of the two inscribed above the doors. SUVER WANTS SOME MORE -Oliver Twist This passage starts to describe the boom in which the boys. were fed, a large stone hall, eacely with an once of broad They polished the bowls with their spoons, so the bowes weren't washed, and after this they were still hungry and they could have devoured also the bricks. In fact they sucked their fingers when any stray splashes of feel might have been cast the aan. ceiver and his companions were subjected to toctures of slow starvation and for this reason a boy, who hadn't been used to that sort of thing because his father had kept a cookshop, said that he was affaid he might Some night happen to eat the boy who slept next him.. Since the boys believed him for Bis hungry eye, a council. was held lots were cast who should ask for some more to the master after the dinner and it fell to Oliver. when the evening arecived and the fiel was served, boys. winked at Oliver and nudged him, so he cose from the table, went to the master with basin and spoon and said he wanted some. more. The Fat master locked him with astonishment, then he dung to the copper while the assistants were paralysed and the chied scared. After the chied replied he wanted same more, the master pinioned him in his arms and shrieked aloud for the beade Mr. Bumble, said Oliver had asked for more, addressing the gentleman in the high chaie. Me Limbkins said would be hung and nobody controveeted his opinion. The child was acolored into confinement and a bill was pasted out the gate, offering a reward of 5 pounds to anybody who would take Oeiver off the parish, so he was sold as an apprentice. that the boy