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Charles Dickens







A LITTLE BIT OF HIS LIFE: Charles Dickens was born during the
and he was poor and when his fathe


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A LITTLE BIT OF HIS LIFE: Charles Dickens was born during the
and he was poor and when his fathe


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CHARLES DICKENS BRIEF SUMMARY Victorian age A LITTLE BIT OF HIS LIFE: Charles Dickens was born during the and he was poor and when his father was arrested he had to work hard in a factory. Then he worked ad reporter with the pen name Boz for the newspaper and he became one of the greatest novelist of his time. THE CARACTERISTCS OF HIS NOVELS: Dickens 'aim was didactic because he wanted to warn the ruling class about the poor conditions, without offending them. His novels take place most of all in London, they begin in negative circumstances and they ended well. His favourites characters were the children because they weren't corrupted by the society. His language was one of the richest because is full of adjectives and description. He was one of the greatest novelist of his time. He created caricatures and he was always on the side of the poor so he talked about the workhouses, the industries etc.... COKE TOWN: One of his most important work is "Hard Time", which is settled in a fictional city of Coke town. One of the main Character is Mr. Gradgrind. He is a man of fact. He is the headmaster of a school (Gradgrind short form for graduated) and he bases his teaching on facts. His description on the first pages of...

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Didascalia alternativa:

the novel is made with the word square (square forefinger, legs, shoulder) because he is a man of reason and square thoughts and he sustain Bentham's theory about utilitarianism. So Dickens wanted to protest against this mentality which was based only on useful things which lead to happiness and reason, without seeing the poor people situation.