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the life of William Shakespeare
•He was the third son of eight children of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
• At the age of 18 he got marrie


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the life of William Shakespeare
•He was the third son of eight children of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
• At the age of 18 he got marrie


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the life of William Shakespeare
•He was the third son of eight children of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
• At the age of 18 he got marrie


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the life of William Shakespeare •He was the third son of eight children of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. • At the age of 18 he got married to Anne Hathaway, they had three children, the first was Susanna, the second and the third was twins, Hamnet and Judith • In 1585 he abandoned his wife and his children. He left Stratford ( his home town) and went to London, in order to be part of the world of theatre •In those years, from 1585 to 1592, we don't have news of William Shakespeare, we don't know what happened to him and we don't know how he became famous. iambic pentameter •Is a type of verse, the most important verse in english poetry. • iamb foot with 2 syllables, unstressed + stressed iambic pentameter a verse composed by 5 couples of syllables, the first is unstressed and the second is stressed. sonnet poetry iambic pentameter theatre iambic pentameter without any rhyme's William Shakespeare (1564-23rd april 1616) •William Shakespeare was born in 1564, we don't know the day but the children at the time in England, were baptised 2/3 days after their birth, WS was baptised on 26hd april 1564 so he probably was born on 23th april He was called "The Bard of Avon" two kindoms •When WS was...

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alive, there was the queen Elizabeth I Tudor (1558-1603) ELIZABETHAN ERA •She was called "The virgin queen" because she hadn't kids. •When Shakespeare died, the king was James I Tudor (1603-1625) (cousin of Elizabeth) JACOBEAN ERA •Different kingdoms politically, socially and historically speaking. But that period between 1558-1625 was called "ELIZABETHAN LITERATURE" elizabethan literature The Elizabethan literature was the flowering of English literature Elizabethan literature includes the literature under her reign and the literature under James I's kingdom. •Critics call this period the flowering of English literature because there were a lot of famous artists and masterpieces Two great genres: -poetry the greatest poet of the-period (WS) theatre the greatest playwright (WS) shakespeare work He wrote 37 plans: - comedies (ex "The tempest" -tragedies (ex "Hamlet" "Romeo and Juliet") - historical plays (ex "King John") the life of William Shakespeare •He was the third son of eight children of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. • At the age of 18 he got married to Anne Hathaway, they had three children, the first was Susanna, the second and the third was twins, Hamnet and Judith • In 1585 he abandoned his wife and his children. He left Stratford ( his home town) and went to London, in order to be part of the world of theatre •In those years, from 1585 to 1592, we don't have news of William Shakespeare, we don't know what happened to him and we don't know how he became famous. iambic pentameter •Is a type of verse, the most important verse in english poetry. • iamb foot with 2 syllables, unstressed + stressed iambic pentameter a verse composed by 5 couples of syllables, the first is unstressed and the second is stressed. sonnet poetry iambic pentameter theatre iambic pentameter without any rhyme's