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the restoration







The monarchy was restored with the king Charles II, son of the executed King, who returned
from exile, began to reign becaus


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THE RESTORATION The monarchy was restored with the king Charles II, son of the executed King, who returned from exile, began to reign because he was the legitimate heir to the throne. The Restoration marks the end of the oppressive Puritan era. The Cronwell's body was exhumed and subjected to execution for Revenge. The first Parliament of the reign has known as Cavalier Parliament, formed by Royalists, was determined to restore both monarchy and Parliament. The Church of England was also re-established and under the Test Act any Man had to take communion in the Protestant Church and recognise the king as the head of the Church of England. All Catholics and Dissenters were excluded from public offices. During Charles II' reign the reopening of theaters and new form of entertainment. During the reign two tragico events happened: The Great Plague killed many londoners The Great Fire of London that destroyed a part of the city. Christopher Wren, an architect, helped to rebuild the new city and he built St Paul's Cathedral.

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