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Mary Shelley + Frankenstein







•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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•BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist
• DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist
William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker


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MARY SHELLEY LIFE •BORN IN 1797 pioneer feminist • DAUGHTER OF •Mary Wollstonecraft → pioneer ferminist William Godwin →→ Cacical thinker Camteulettuale) BOTH OF HER PARENTS WERE INFLUENCED BY THE IDEAS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. they were part of a small group which included important men of the time (WILLIAM BLAKE) 10 DAYS AFTER MARY'S BIRTH → her mother died. KAHE 2 YEARS LATER her father married CLAIRMONT mom mancavano Intellectual stimulus wasn't waiting HER HOUSE = VISITED BY THE MOST IMPORTANT! WRITERS OF THE DAY Romantic Percy Shelley pottepl -1814- MARY + PERCY FLED TO FRANCE ON THE BANKS THEY RENTED A COUNTRY HOUSE IS OF LAKE GENEVA where "Foonkestan took place The inspiration of "Frankestein buest as a waking dream or nightmare result of the intellectual stimulation of Shelley & her anxieties and uncertainties Published anonymousey in (1818) 1822 PI SHELLEYS MOVED TO LERICI OL LERICI Peccy set sail in a storm and was found dead 110 days later 1823 SHE RETURNED TO ENGLAND 1851 → DEATH T t A121 FRANKESTEIN (1818) THE INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE (197 Dedicated to her father. i • Used ideas of her parents (SOCIAL JUSTICE EDUCATION She sympathises with the monster BOT She is afraid of his actions. • TENSION between. FEAR OF REVOLUTION INTEREST IN REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS f Importance of P. Shelley's influence H iNTEREST IN SCIENCE (CHEMISTRY) LISTIAWA consapevole SHE WAS AWARE THEORIES OF THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTS • Frankestein tries to create a human being through the use of electricity and chemistry. ↓ WITHOUT RESPECTING THE RULES. OF NATURE THE STORY (181) HIF Swiss scientist DR VICTOR FRANKESTELL MANAGES...

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Didascalia alternativa:

TO CREATE A HUMAN BEING BY JOINING PARTS FROM CORPSES •THE RESULT IS UGLY AND REVOLTING A MURDERER THE MONSTER BECOMES (in the end he destroys his creator) •THE STORY IS INTRODUCED TO US BY SERIES OF LETTERS WRITTEN BY WALTON TO HIS SISTER MARGARET A a young explorer on a voyage of expedition to the north Pole. THE CREATION OF THE MONSTER One stormy might, after months of labour, Doctor Victor Frankestein completed his creation, but when he brought it to life, he was terrified by its appearance: the monster And dill yellow eyes, it breathed hard. __and it convulsively agitated its limbs, Frankestein fhad selected his features as beautiful, such as his black fair + his white teeth, but these details were in a horrid contrast with his watery eyes, his shrivelled skin and straight beack lips. Frankestein dreamed long to infuse life into an inanimate body, and now this dream. vanished. He wushed of the rooms and taied to sleep, but he was troubled by nightmare about Elizabeth and his mother's corpse. He wake. up scated and he discovered the monster over his bed staring at him with a wankeed smile. So Flankestein wushed downstairs, LITERARY INFLUENCES THE MONSTER CAN BE CONSIDERED BOUSSEAU'S NATURAL MAN in a primitive state. ↓ NOT influenced by civilisation HE DISCOVERS THE LIMITATIONS OF THE STATE OF NATURE AND OF CIVILISATION Frankestein DIFFERS FROM THE GOTHIC TRADITION •NO DARK CASTLE NO SUPERNATURAL EVENTS ► MYTH OF PROMETHEUS Greek mythology HE CHALLENGED THE DININE AUTHORITY GANT WHO STOLE FIRE TO GIVE IT TO MAN Clear example of an Ovetreacher imbroglione Teike Dr Fronkestein NARRATIVE STRUCTURE DIFFERENT NARRATORS WALTON INFORM HIS SISTER →MARGARET SAVILLE FRANKESTEIN INFORMS WALTON, WHO INFORMS MARGARET THE MONSTER INFORMS FRANKESTEIN WHO INFORMS WALTON, WHO INFORMS MARGARET WALTON'S SISTER IS THE RECEIVER 3 DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW EPISTOLARY FORM THEMES perdute SEARCH FOR FORBINDEN KNOWLEDGE THE OVERREACHER (IN WALTON & DR. FRANK) THE DESIRE TO OVERCOME HUMAN LIMITS oupaglio WISH FOR LONELINESS AND PRIDE IN BEING DIFFERENT Frank, and the monster are complementary e - both suffer from a sense of isolation. -both begin with a desire to be good. both obsessed with hate and revenge ▷ THE PENETRATION OF NATURE'S SECRETS THE USURPATION OF FEMALE ROLE SOCIAL PREJUDICES