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Le Sorelle Bronte (PDF in inglese)







Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte discovered the poems written by her sister Emily and published the works
using pen-names Currer, Ellis and Acton


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Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte discovered the poems written by her sister Emily and published the works
using pen-names Currer, Ellis and Acton


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Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte discovered the poems written by her sister Emily and published the works
using pen-names Currer, Ellis and Acton


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Charlotte Bronte Charlotte discovered the poems written by her sister Emily and published the works using pen-names Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. The suspicion that the novels were written by one single author made the sisters reveal their true identity. Jane Eyre written in 1847 Like Dickens' novel, this is in the first person. This is considered a formation novel. The protagonist, Jane, represent the first proto feminist. A woman can be self sufficient, does not need a man to suxceed. TRAMA The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, an orphan girl who is raised by some uncles. Her aunt therefore entrusts her to a sort of boarding school, where all children are housed without parents, but here she continues her studies and also manages to become a teacher. As an independent woman she found a job at Thornfield Hall, as governess of Mr. Rochester's adopted daughter, Adele. He asks for her hand but there is a secret hidden within those walls: the man is already married to Bertha Mason, a woman who has become crazy because of an illness and is kept locked up in the castle to cure her. Jane, during the night before the wedding she has a nightmare that will turn out to be real where a girl rips off her veil. Jane...

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then runs to the home of a St. John clergyman and his sisters. He proposes to marry him and go with him on a mission to India but Jane refuses, because she still loves Mr. Rochester and she had heard his voice calling her. He returns to Thornfield Hall and finds a devastated scenery: the castle had been burned by fire, following which Bertha had died and Mr. Rochester had lost his sight. Jane and the landlord finally get married and he partially regains his sight and she discovers that she has inherited property from her aunt.ù We can see: GOTHIC FEATURES: madness, passion, dreams, voices, secrets, supernatural situations ROMANTIC FEATURES: Rochester is a Byronic hero, arrogant and cultured, passion, love, imagination. Emily Bronte is part of nineteenth-century literature Emily and her sister Charlotte are important authors in early 19th century literature. Emily's masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, presents lots of various and new elements in English literature. It can be similar • for the intricate structure to Mary Sheelly's Dr Frankenstain to the romantic era for the representation of the nature • gothic for the dark and gloomy atmosphere and the presence of a ghost modern for the presence of the flashback The story is narrated in the form of a diary written by Mr Lokwood, an external reporter. The reporter listens to the story from the point of view of Nelly Dean, the housekeeper of Thrushcross grange and previously of wuthering heights. The two houses are completely different: Thrushcross grange is down the valley. It is elegant, conformist, in accord with the Victorian atmosphere. • Wuthering Heights is on top of a hill. The people here are non conformist, scandalous, almost crazy. TRAMA The story begins with a deeply inexplicable fact. Mr Lockwood, on vacation a thucross range is found stuck after a visit to wuthering heights. In the room where he had to sleep he finds some strange inscriptions "chaterine Earnshaw, Linton, heatcliff. During the gourd of tempersta a branch beats on the glass, he, getting up to detach the branch, found in front of the window, to hold it by the wrist, the ghost of Catherine who asks to enter after shooting for twenty years in the Moors. The room in which he stayed had to be closed, it was the room where Heanitcliff and Catherine passed the time. The owner was furious, he was upset he asked Nelly who told him a story that happened about thirty years before. Mr. Earnshaw, wealthy gentleman and owner of Wuthering Heights, has two children but, after a business trip he came home with Heathcliff. Between Heathcliff and Catherine, daughter of Earnshow, there is immediately a sweet relationship that begins to show signs of failure after she meets the child of Linton's family Edgar. After the death of his father Heatcliff is forced to stop studying and to be almost a slave by his brother. Chaterine meets Linton after falling from a branch in their garden. The care and closeness of that family changes her. And because of the deep social differences between the two. Catherine decides to marry Edgar choosing the social convention over the love for heathcliff. Catherine then decides to marry high-ranking Edgar Linton while Heathcliff, returning rich from a trip to England after he ran away, decides to take revenge by marrying the younger sister of her lover rival, the young Isabel. After giving birth to little Cathy and confessing her love to Heathcliff, Catherine dies. The man, pervaded by the feeling of revenge, decides to take possession of all the possessions of the Earnshaw family and the Linton family by marrying his sick child Linton and Cathy; he succeeds and shortly after, sick and mad he dies, buried next to Catherine, the only person he truly loved. But where would Mr Lockwood have gone in the meantime? he had gone back to his home. When he returns to wuthering heights he finds it different. Cathi lives with her cousin and lives happily, the gloomy aura carried by Heathcliff has disappeared, but in the night it is said that two shadows can be seen in the moors at night. Catherine and Eateliff, now together.