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🇺🇸☕️English afternoon tea🇺🇸☕️







Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the
preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as i


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Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the
preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as i


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Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the
preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as i


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Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the
preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as i


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Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the
preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as i


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AFTERNOON TEA Great Britain is famous for its tradition of drinking tea; the preparation of a good cup of tea requires a certain skill, as it is important to follow a few rules. Tea can become a real meal when it is accompained by the traditional pastries and cakes. Afternoon tea is served between 3:30 and 5:00 pm and consists of cakes, hot buttered slices of toasted bread, assorted sandwiches, traditional scones and crumpets. on holidays or sunday's you can get what is called "high tea”, which is served later in the afternoon and consists of a richer menu, with fish or meat dishes, salads, snacks and cold sweets. TEA CAKES Apple pie Apple crumble crumpets shortbread Raspberry muffins. scones TOFFеe pudding cheesecake TOFFEE Pancake Doughnut @rosalba20

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