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Mendel e la Genetica Classica: Riassunto e Esercizi in PDF







<p>Gregor Mendel was a Capuchin friar who began his studies on the transmission of hereditary traits starting from a plant of scented pea.


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<p>Gregor Mendel was a Capuchin friar who began his studies on the transmission of hereditary traits starting from a plant of scented pea.


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<p>Gregor Mendel was a Capuchin friar who began his studies on the transmission of hereditary traits starting from a plant of scented pea.


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Gregor Mendel was a Capuchin friar who began his studies on the transmission of hereditary traits starting from a plant of scented pea. The ancient men noticed the resemblance between parents and children but did not know how to explain it. The most popular theory was that of blending, in which the various traits of the parents would blend into the new individual.

Mendel's Laws

Mendel studied 32 different varieties of plants and understood that every self-fertilization produced plants with the same hereditary traits, known as pure lines. He explained this relationship by hypothesizing the presence of an hereditary unit composed of two components that could or could not be manifested. This hereditary unit (gene) is composed of 2 factors (or alleles). In fertilization, the diploid cell becomes haploid, formed by one component from the mother and one from the father per pair.

Law of Segregation

Every individual has pairs of factors for each hereditary unit that separate for the formation of gametes. Mendel discovered all this without knowing about DNA and chromosomes but understanding the process of fertilization and meiosis, in addition to gametes and homologous chromosomes.

Law of Dominance

From the crossing of two individuals that differ for a pair of hereditary traits, individuals who manifest traits are obtained. The individuals of departure can be homozygous dominant or heterozygous.

Punnett Square

The Punnett square allows to know all the possible combinations of alleles of the descendants from P to F2, and allows to obtain genotypic and phenotypic ratios. It can be developed like a binomial square, where the progeny can appear in two cases: the individual is definitely homozygous (all the same color) or the individual is heterozygous (50%).

Independent Assortment Law

The alleles that form a gene separate to form gametes independently from the alleles of another gene.


Mendel's studies laid the foundation for the science of genetics, providing clear rules for easily replicable scientific methods. Thanks to his experiments and observations, the laws of inheritance and the functioning of heredity were clarified, offering a new understanding of the transmission of traits from one generation to the next.

Riassunto - Scienze

  • Gregor Mendel and his studies on hereditary traits
  • Mendel's Laws of Genetics: Law of Segregation and Law of Dominance
  • The Punnett Square and its use in determining genotypic and phenotypic ratios
  • Mendel's Independent Assortment Law
  • Mendel's contributions to the science of genetics and understanding of heredity

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Le domande più frequenti su Scienze

Q: What did Mendel study to understand the transmission of hereditary traits?

A: Mendel studied 32 different varieties of plants to understand the transmission of hereditary traits.

Q: How did Mendel explain the relationship between self-fertilization and hereditary traits?

A: Mendel explained the relationship by hypothesizing the presence of an hereditary unit composed of two components (gene) that could or could not be manifested.

Q: What is the Law of Segregation according to Mendel's studies?

A: The Law of Segregation states that every individual has pairs of factors for each hereditary unit that separate for the formation of gametes.

Q: What does the Punnett square allow us to know about the descendants' alleles?

A: The Punnett square allows us to know all the possible combinations of alleles of the descendants from P to F2, and obtain genotypic and phenotypic ratios.

Q: What is the significance of Mendel's studies in the field of genetics?

A: Mendel's studies laid the foundation for the science of genetics, providing clear rules for easily replicable scientific methods and clarifying the laws of inheritance and the functioning of heredity.

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